แนวทางและเทคนิคการเขียนตำรา: สัมพันธภาพและสารัตถภาพ

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สัญญา เคณาภูมิ
นพคุณ คุณาชีวะ
บุศรา นิยมเวช


ผลงานทางวิชาการเป็นสิ่งประดิษฐ์ที่สะท้อนความรู้ความเข้าใจในศาสตร์ใดใดของบุคคล โดยมากจะนึกถึงหนังสือหรือตำรา แม้ว่านิยามของทั้งสองจะมีความแตกต่างกันบ้าง แต่ทั้งสองก็ถือว่าเป็นผลงานทางวิชาการที่ต้องมีมาตรฐานทางวิชาการที่สำคัญ ได้แก่ สะท้อนให้เห็นความรู้ใหม่ เรียบเรียงด้วยกระบวนการทางวิชาการ (รวบรวม วิเคราะห์ สังเคราะห์ เรียบเรียง) อ้างอิงแหล่งข้อมูลที่ปราศจากอคติ และ เรียบเรียงร้อยเรียงให้เห็นภาพใหญ่ (มโนทัศน์แกนกลาง) ภาพย่อย (มโนทัศน์ย่อย) การเชื่อมโยงระหว่างกัน (สัมพันธภาพ) หลอมรวมเป็นองค์ความรู้หนึ่งเดียว (เอกภาพ) สรุปเนื้อหาสาระเป็นภาพเดียวได้ (สารัตถภาพ) อย่างไรก็ตามสำหรับแนวทางและเทคนิคการเขียนอย่างมีคุณภาพ ประกอบด้วย (1) การตั้งชื่อผลงาน ตั้งให้สื่อความหมายถึงกรอบแนวคิดขององค์ความรู้ใหม่ต่อยอดหรือเติมเต็มองค์ความรู้เดิมของศาสตร์ ตลอดจนดึงดูดให้คนสนใจในผลงานเขียนเล่มนั้น (2) การกำหนดขอบข่ายของผลงาน อาจมาจาก คำอธิบายรายวิชา การสังเคราะห์แบบผสมผสาน หลักการเชิงทฤษฎี และ การสร้างข้อสรุปเชิงทฤษฎี (3) การวางลำดับบทเรียน ได้แก่ บทที่ 1: บทเรียนเปิดตัวหรือบทนำ บทที่ 2 จนถึงบทรองสุดท้าย เป็นบทเรียนที่นำเสนอเนื้อหาสาระหลัก และ บทสุดท้าย เป็นบทเรียนที่สรุปและบอกถึงแนวโน้มความเป็นไปในอนาคตของศาสตร์นั้น ๆ (4) การเรียบเรียงในแต่ละบทเรียน สามารถนำเสนอตามหลักการทั่วไป คือ บทนำ เนื้อหาสาระ และสรุป และ (5) การอ้างอิง เป็นการระบุรายการเอกสารและหลักฐานการอ้างอิงที่มีการอ้างอิงข้อมูลในเนื้อหาของผลงานทางวิชาการ

Article Details

How to Cite
เคณาภูมิ ส., คุณาชีวะ น. ., & นิยมเวช บ. (2020). แนวทางและเทคนิคการเขียนตำรา: สัมพันธภาพและสารัตถภาพ. วารสารสันติศึกษาปริทรรศน์ มจร, 8(1), 361–377. สืบค้น จาก https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/journal-peace/article/view/235339
Author Biography

สัญญา เคณาภูมิ, คณะรัฐศาสตร์และรัฐประศาสนศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏมหาสารคาม

Associate Professor Dr. Sanya Kenaphoom

Name         Associate Professor Dr. Sanya Kenaphoom       

Academic Position : Associate Professor (Public Administration)

Executive Position

  1. Director of Research and Development Institute, Rajabhat Mahasarakham University, Thailand
  2. Director of Public Administration Program, Faculty of Political Science and Public Administration, Rajabhat Mahasarakham University, Thailand

Organization : Faculty of Political Science and Public Administration, Rajabhat Mahasarakham University, Thailand 44000, E-mail : zumsa_17@hotmail.com




Degree Level

Degree initials






Public Administration

Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University, Thailand




Strategies for Development

Mahasarakham Rajabhat University, Thailand




Political Science (First-class honor)

Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Thailand




Teacher Professional

Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Thailand



English Teaching

English Teaching Professional

Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, Thailand


Work Experience :

              2017- Present Director of Research and Development Institute, Rajabhat Mahasarakham University, Thailand

              2016- Present  Associate Professor (Public Administration), Faculty of Political Science and Public Administration, Rajabhat Mahasarakham University, Thailand

              2012-2016  Assistant Professor (Public Administration), Faculty of Political Science and Public Administration, Rajabhat Mahasarakham University, Thailand

              2009-2012  Lecturer in Public Administration Program, College of Law and Administration, Rajabhat Mahasarakham University, Thailand

              2009           Lecturer in Political Science Program, College of Law and Administration, Rajabhat Mahasarakham University, Thailand      

              2005           Committee on Educational Strategy Management of Buddhist Studies Division, National Office of Buddhism, Thailand

              2005-2008  Educational Quality Assessor of Buddhist Scripture School, Department of General Education, National Office of Buddhism, Thailand           

              2007-2008  Special Lecturer of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Thailand    

              2002-2008  Teacher of Pali Demonstration School, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya School, Nongkhai Campus, Thailand                                                                     




Text Books:

Sanya Kenaphoom. 2017. Concepts and Theories of Public Administration. Maha Sarakham : Mahasarakham Rajabhat University, Thailand.

Sanya Kenaphoom. 2016. Determining and Analyzing Public Policy. Maha Sarakham : Mahasarakham Rajabhat University, Thailand.

Sanya Kenaphoom. 2013. Establishing the Research Conceptual Frameworks and the Strategies from Research Bases in Public Administration. Maha Sarakham : Mahasarakham Rajabhat University, Thailand.

Soawalak Kosokittiamporn and Sanya Kenaphoom. 2013. Organizational Theory and Management. Maha Sarakham : Mahasarakham Rajabhat University, Thailand.

Watcharin Sutthisai and Sanya Kenaphoom. 2012. Plans and Planning. Maha Sarakham : Mahasarakham Rajabhat University, Thailand.

Sanya Kenaphoom and Watcharin Sutthisai. 2012. Public Policy. Maha Sarakham : Mahasarakham Rajabhat University, Thailand.

Sanya Kenaphoom. 2012. Management Techniques and Leadership. Maha Sarakham : Mahasarakham Rajabhat University, Thailand.

Sanya Kenaphoom. 2016. Management of Rural and Urban Community Development Plans. Maha Sarakham : Mahasarakham Rajabhat University, Thailand.

Sanya Kenaphoom. 2016. Plan and Project Management. Maha Sarakham : Mahasarakham Rajabhat University, Thailand.

Sanya Kenaphoom. 2015. Concepts, Theories, Politics and Government.. Maha Sarakham : Mahasarakham Rajabhat University, Thailand.

Sanya Kenaphoom and Soawalak Kosokittiamporn. 2012. Statistics for Public Administration Research. Maha Sarakham : Mahasarakham Rajabhat University, Thailand.

Sanya Kenaphoom and Soawalak Kosokittiamporn. 2012. Principles and Techniques in Research Writing in Public Administration. Maha Sarakham : Mahasarakham Rajabhat University, Thailand.

Sanya Kenaphoom. 2010. Public Finance and Budgeting. Maha Sarakham : Mahasarakham Rajabhat University, Thailand.

Sanya Kenaphoom. 2010. Project Analysis and Project Management. Maha Sarakham : Mahasarakham Rajabhat University, Thailand.


Research Experience :

Sanya Kenaphoom. (2017). Democratic Way of Life Development by the Strengthening Process of the Democratic Ideologies Based on the Political Partnership Assumption in Mahasarakham Province. Research Projects Funded by the National Research Council of Thailand (NESDB) 2017.

Sanya Kenaphoom. 2016. The Influences of Political Utility Affecting the Democratic Political Decision, Central Northeast, Thailand. Research Projects Funded by the National Research Council of Thailand (NESDB) 2016.

Sanya Kenaphoom. 2015. Self-sufficiency and Technology Management Factors Affecting the Effective of the Small and Micro of Community Enterprise (SMCE) in Maha Sarakham Province. Mahasarakham : Mahasarakham Rajabhat University 2015.

Sanya Kenaphoom. 2014. The relationship between the sufficiency economic philosophy and the democratic living behavior of people in sub-district of Kokphra, Makha and Kodsaijo, Kantharawichai district, Mahasarakham province. Research Projects Funded by the National Research Council of Thailand (NESDB) 2014.

Wittaya Chareonsiri, Sanya Kenaphoom and Pakdee Phosing. 2014. The Administrative and Organizational Culture Factors Affecting the Effectiveness of Local Government in Maha Sarakham Province. Mahasarakham Rajabhat University 2013

Sanya Kenaphoom, Soawalak Kosokittiamporn, Wittaya Chareonsiri, Pakdee Phosing, Rungrueng Saenkosa and Sirinnapha Thungjan. 2013. The factors affecting happiness of personnel of Rajabhat Maha Sarakham university. Mahasarakham : Received funding from the Research and Development Institute, Mahasarakham Rajabhat University 2013.

Sanya Kenaphoom and Soawalak Kosokittiamporn. 2013. The model development of the community business management: case study of the cages fish farming groups and the farming fish cooperative, Kosumphisai district, Mahasarakham province. Research Projects Funded by the National Research Council of Thailand (NESDB) 2011.


Publication in International Journal :           

Phraradrattanalongkorn, Ketsada Phothong and Sanya Kenaphoom. (2019). “The Strategy for Ethical Behavior’s Movement of Observing Five Precepts Village Project in Buddhism: A Case Study of Nongyangkham Village, Gongnang Sub-District, Tha Bo District, Nong Khai Province, Thailand"  International Journal of Crime, Law and Social Issues, 6 (1) : January-June 2019. (Indexed in Ingenta Connect and Social Science Research Network : Elsevier-SSRN) 

Burachat Jandaeng, Saovalak Kosolkittiamporn  and Sanya Kenaphoom. 2019. “Behavioral Science Research Conceptual Framework” Journal of Interdisciplinary Research: Graduate Studies, 8 (1) : January-June 2019. (Indexed in Social Sciences Research Network (Elsevier-SSRN)). 

Phrarachrattanalongkorn, Krisada Phothong and Sanya Kenaphoom. 2019. The Strategy for Ethical Behavior’s Movement of Observing Five Precepts Village Project in Buddhism: A Case Study of Nongyangkham Village, Gongnang Sub-District, Tha Bo District, Nong Khai Province, Thailand"  International Journal of Crime, Law and Social Issues, 6 (1) : : January-June 2019. (Indexed in Ingenta Connect and Social Science Research Network: Elsevier-SSRN) 

Burachat Jandaeng, Saovalak Kosolkittiamporn  and Sanya Kenaphoom. 2019. “Behavioral Science Research Conceptual Framework” Journal of Interdisciplinary Research: Graduate Studies, 8 (1) : January-June 2019. (Indexed in Social Sciences Research Network (Elsevier-SSRN)).

Kenaphoom, Sanya. 2019. “Political Partnership” Journal of Social Sciences ,      Faculty of Political Science, Chulalongkorn University, 49 (2) : July-December 2019 (Asian Citation Index)

Kenaphoom, Sanya. 2018. “Essence of Political Utility” PSAKU International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, 7 (1) January-June 2018.   (Indexed in Ingenta Connect and Social Science Research Network) 

Kenaphoom, Sanya. 2017. “Establishment of a Survey Research Conceptual Framework on Management” ASEAN Journal of Management and Innovation (ISSN 2351-0307), 4 (1) ; January-June 2017.  

Kenaphoom, Sanya. 2017. “Political Utility Influence on Political Decision”. Asian Political Science Review, 1 (2) July-December 2017 (100%, International Journal, ISSN 2351-0862 Indexed in Ingenta Connect and Social Science Research Network) 

Sanya Kenaphoom. 2014. “The Creating a Survey Research Conceptual Framework of Public Administration” Academic conference and presentation of National and International research, the 36th academic conference of Thailand Education Relation’s on “Educational Leadership and Development toward ASEAN Community” Udon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, January 24, 2014.

Sanya Kenaphoom. 2014. “The Creating a Survey Research Conceptual Framework by Grounded Theory” Academic conference and presentation of National and International research, the 36th academic conference of Thailand Education Relation’s on “Educational Leadership and Development toward ASEAN Community” Udon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, January 24, 2014.

Sanya Kenaphoom. 2014. “The Creating a Survey Research Conceptual Framework by Integrated Method” Academic conference and presentation of National and International research, the 36th academic conference of Thailand Education Relation’s on “Educational Leadership and Development toward ASEAN Community” Udon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, January 24, 2014.

Sumaratee Thungchan, Sanya Kenaphoom, Saovalak Kosolkittiampon and Sakpong Homheon. 2556 “The Affecting Factors of Personnel Working Happiness at Rajabhat Mahasarakham University” International Conference on Sciences and Social Sciences 2013: Research and Development for Sustainable Life Quality; July 18-19, 2013 at Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University (Thailand)

Sanya Kenaphoom. 2012. “The Factors Affecting Personnel’s Competency of Rajabhat Mahasarakham University”. International Conference on Science and Social Science 2012 : Innovation for Regional Development (ICSSS 2012) Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, Maha Sarakham, Thailand. 3 (1) 1822-1828 : 19-20 July, 2012.

Supamas Srikram, Sanya Kenaphoom, Saovalak Kosonkittiumporn, Sakpong Homhauy. 2012. “Facts related to Performance Efficiency of Attorney officers under the Regional Attorney office 4.” Proceeding in the International Conference on Science and Social Science 2012 : Innovation for Regional Development (ICSSS 2012) Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, Maha Sarakham, Thailand. 3 (1) 1658 - 1665 : 19-20 July, 2012.

Supattar Photitan, Sanya Kenaphoom, Saovalak Kosonkittiumporn, Watcharin Suthisai. 2012. “Public Participation in using the principle of Good Governanace for Solid Wast Mamanement in Kalasin Town Municipality, Kalasin Province. Proceeding in the International Conference on Science and Social Science 2012 : Innovation for Regional Development (ICSSS 2012) Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, Maha Sarakham, Thailand. 3 (1) 1666- 1672 : 19-20 July, 2012.

Archanwit Choompongsak, Sanya Kenaphoom, Saovalak Kosonkittiumporn. 2012. “The Factors Influenced to the People’s Political Participation In Kaset Wisai District Municipality, Kaset Wisai District, Roi Et Province. Proceeding in the International Conference on Science and Social Science 2012 : Innovation for Regional Development (ICSSS 2012) Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, Maha Sarakham, Thailand. 3 (1) 386- 395 : 19-20 July, 2012.

Kapatson Samanyat, Sanya Kenaphoom, Yupaporn Yupas, Watcharin Suthtisai. 2012. “Motivation for the Performance of Officers of the Somdet Sub-District Administrative Organizations, Somdet District, Kalasin Province.” Proceeding in the International Conference on Science and Social Science 2012 : Innovation for Regional Development (ICSSS 2012) Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, Maha Sarakham, Thailand. 3 (1) 400- 405 : 19-20 July, 2012.

Sumalee Ruangchai, Sanya Kenaphoom, Watcharin Sudthisai, Vittaya Charoensiri.2012. “The Leadership of Mueing Kalasin Municipality’s Mayor by Personnel’s Opinion.” Proceeding in the International Conference on Science and Social Science 2012 : Innovation for Regional Development (ICSSS 2012) Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, Maha Sarakham, Thailand. 3 (1) 453- 462: 19-20 July, 2012.




Publication (First Author):

Sanya Kenaphoom. (2018). “Process for Enhancing the Democratic Ideology based on Political Partnership AssumptionsJOURNAL OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES SURIN RAJABHAT UNIVERSITY, 20 (1) : January-June 2018

Sanya Kenaphoom. (2018). “New Public Service (NPS) Paradigm” Humanities and Social Sciences Journal, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, 9 (1) : January-June 2018

Sanya Kenaphoom. (2018). “New Public Management Paradigm : Government Reform Approach” Journal of Mahasarakham Rajabhat University (Humanities and Social Sciences), 12 (2) : May-August 2018 

Sanya Kenaphoom. (2018). “Public Choice Paradigm)” Humanities and Social Sciences Journal, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, 9 (2) : July–December 2018

Sanya Kenaphoom. (2018). “Applying the Concept of Political Utility through Voting Decision and Public Service Provision” Local Administration Journal, 11 (1) : January - March 2018

Sanya Kenaphoom and Kodchaporn Prathumwan. (2017). “Plan Implementation : Process and ManagementSarakham Journal, 8 (1) : January-June 2017. p.85-108

Sanya Kenaphoom. (2017). " The Public Policy Evaluation : Principle, Form and Method)", Journal of Mahasarakham Rajabhat University (Humanities and Social Sciences), 11 (1) : January-April 2017 p.33-48

Sanya Kenaphoom. (2017). “Concept of Political Utility” Rattasapasarn Journal, 65 (5) : May 2017 p.52-82

Sanya Kenaphoom. (2017). “Approaches for Writing the Academic Article)”Humanities and Social Sciences, Khonkean University, 34 (1) January- April 2017 p.1-31 (100% TCI 1)

Sanya Kenaphoom. 2017. " The Public Policy Evaluation : Principle, Form and Method)", Journal of Mahasarakham Rajabhat University (Humanities and Social Sciences), 11 (1) : January-April 2017 p.33-48

Sanya Kenaphoom. 2017. “Conceptual Framework of Planning and Plan Management)” Prae-wa Kalasin Journal of Kalasin University, 4 (2) : May – August 2017

Sanya Kenaphoom. 2017. “The Influences of Political Utility Affecting the Democratic Political Decision, Central Northeast, Thailand)” Journal of MCU Peace Studies, 5 (2) : May-August 2017

Sanya Kenaphoom and Kewalee Onrueang. 2016. Human Resource Management : Scope and Process” Sarakham Journal, 7 (2) : July-December 2016. p. 101-129

Sanya Kenaphoom, Kewalee Onrueang and Suwatthaphong Romsri. 2016. “Public Policy : Termination and Transferring” JOURNAL OF NAKHONRATCHASIMA COLLEGE, 10 (2) : July-December 2016

Sanya Kenaphoom, Soawalak Kosokittiamporn and Pakdee Phosing. 2016. “THE COMMUNITY BUSINESS MANAGEMENT MODEL : CASE STUDY OF THE CAGES FISH FARMING GROUPS AND THE FARMING FISH COOPERATIVE, KOSUMPHISAI DISTRICT, MAHASARAKHAM PROVINCE” VRU Research and Development Journal Humanities and Social Science, 11 (1) : January-April 2016

Sanya Kenaphoom. (2016). “The Governance Paradigm: Conceptual Framework of Government Administration”, Rattasapasarn Journal, 64 (8) : August 2016 p. : 62-92 

Sanya Kenaphoom. 2016. “Analysis of Sufficiency Economy Philosophy : Connectivity with Practices of Another Theory” Journal of Mahasarakham Rajabhat University (Humanities and Social Sciences), 10 (2) 1 : May – August 2016

Sanya Kenaphoom. 2016. “The Conceptual Framework for Studying the Public PolicySocial Sciences Research and Academic Journal, 11 (33) : September - December 2016 

Sanya Kenaphoom. 2016. “Management Paradigm : Evaluation and Conceptual Framework” Rattasapasarn Journal, 64 (11) : November 2016

Sanya Kenaphoom. 2016. “The Governance Paradigm : Conceptual Framework of Government Administration”. Journal of The Way Human Society, 4 (1) : January-June 2016 p.217-248

Sanya Kenaphoom. 2016. “Public Policy Making: Theory and Process”. Humanities and Social Sciences Journal, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, 7 (2) : July-December 2016 p. 101-126

Sanya Kenaphoom. 2016. “Public Finance Management” Political Science And Public Administration Journal, Rajabhat Mahasarakham, 1 (2) : August-December 2016

Sanya Kenaphoom. 2016. “Human Resource Management : Scope and Process)Sarakham Journal, 7 (2) : July-December 2016

Sanya Kenaphoom. 2016. “Political Decision on the Democratic Way of Life : Concept and Forms” Humanities and Social Sciences, Khonkean University, 33 (2) May- August 2016 p.89-120

Sanya Kenaphoom. 2016. “Plan Implementation : Process and Management)” Sarakham Journal, 7 (2) : July-December 2016

Sanya Kenaphoom. 2016. “Establish the strategy from the management survey research”. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Mahasarakham University, 35 (2) : March-April 2016 p.282-309

Sanya Kenaphoom. 2016. “Management Evolution : Organization and Management Theory” Rommayasan, Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. 14 (2) : May-August 2016 : p. 41-55

Sanya Kenaphoom and Kodchaporn Prathumwan. 2015. “Citizens’ Democratic Way of Life in a Democratic Regime)”. Valaya Alongkorn Review, 5 (2) : July-December 2015.

Sanya Kenaphoom. 2015. “The Research Conceptual Framework Establishment by the Grounded Theory” VRU Research and Development Journal Humanities and Social Science, 10 (3) : September-December 2015 p. 93-103

Sanya Kenaphoom. 2015.The Approach for Developing the Effectiveness of
the Small and Miro of Community Enterprise (SMCE) in Maha Sara Kham Province” Prae-wa Kalasin Journal of Kalasin University,
2 (3) : September-December 2015. p. 68-85

Sanya Kenaphoom. 2015. “Self-sufficiency and Technology Management Factors Affecting the Effective of the Small and Micro of Community Enterprise (SMCE) in MahaSarakham Province” Journal of Mahasarakham Rajabhat University (Humanities and Social Sciences), 9 (3) : September - December 2015 p.53-66

Sanya Kenaphoom. 2015. “The Sufficiency Economy Living, Democratic Way of Life ; Case Study of Kokphra, Makha and Kodsaijo Sub-district, Kantharawichai district, Mahasarakham Province”. Journal of MCU Social Science Review). 4 (2) (Special) : May – August 2015 p. 562-578

Sanya Kenaphoom. 2015. “Evolution and Scope of Public Administration) Chophayom Journal Mahasarakham Rajabhat University, 26 ฉบับ 2 : July-December 2015. p. 267-294

Sanya Kenaphoom. 2014. “Creating a Research Conceptual Framework on Public Administration by Knowledge Management (KM)” Humanity and Social Science Journal, Ubon Ratchthani University, 5 (2) ; July – December 2014 p.13-32

Sanya Kenaphoom. 2014. “The Cresting of Quantitative Research Conceptual Framework of Public Administration by Literature Review” UDON THANI RAJABHAT UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, 3 (1) : January-June 2014 p. 1-24

Sanya Kenaphoom. 2014. “Establishing a Research Conceptual Framework of Public Administration by Knowledge Management” Ratchaphruek Journal, 12 (1) : January-April 2014. p. 1-14

Sanya Kenaphoom. 2014. “Establish the Research Conceptual Framework in Public Administration by the Rational Conceptual thinking” Phetchabun Rajabhat Journal, 16 (1) ; January-June 2014 p.1-19

Sanya Kenaphoom. 2014. “THE RESEARCH SCOPE OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION)” Research Journal, Chaiyapum Rajabhat University, 2 (2) ; July-December 2014.

Sanya Kenaphoom. 2014. “The Relationship Between Sufficiency Economic Philosophy and the Democratic Way of Life of People in Tambon Kokphra, Makha and Kodsaijo of Kantharawichai District in Mahasarakham Province” Journal of Graduate School, Pitchayatat 9(1): January - June 2014. p. : 85-94

Sanya Kenaphoom. 2014. “Research Philosophy; Qualitative : Quantitative)” Journal of Political Science and Law Kalasin Rajabhat University, 3 (2) ; July-December 2014 p. 22-55

Sanya Kenaphoom. 2014. “The Writing Format of Research Conceptual Frameworks on Management”. Journal of Mahasarakham Rajabhat University(Humanities and Social Sciences), 8 (3) : September-December 2014 p.33-42 

Sanya Kenaphoom. 2013. “THE CREATING OF THE SURVEY RESEARCH CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK ON PUBLIC ADMINISTRATIONValaya Alongkorn Review, 3 (2) : July-December 2013. p.169-185

 Sanya Kenaphoom, Smarn Ngarm-sanit, Orasa Kosalananthakul and Phaithoon Phothisawang. 2009. “The success of community enterprises of four province in the Mekhong Basin”. VRU Research and Development Journal Humanities and Social Science, 4 (2) : May-August 2009.







Publication (Co-Author)

Lawan Nakadilok and Sanya Kenaphoom. 2017. “Mediation Method for Terminating Criminal Case Disputes Court” Journal of Research and Development Institute, Mahasarakham Rajabhat University, 4 (2) : July–December 2017 p.61-72

Aunchittatha Sirikampeng, Sanya Kenaphoom and Sakphong Homhuan. 2017. “The integration of information technology systems to manage health information systems in Century 21” Graduate Development Journal, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, 4 (2) : July-December 2017, p.11-22

Thanut Jaklang, Sanya Kenaphoom and Pakdee Phosing. (2017). “Health Behavioral Modification in the pre-diabetes people” Graduate Development Journal, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, 4 (2) (July-December 2017) p.23-38

Pariwat Pongpan, Sanya Kenaphoom and Pakdee Phosing. (2017). “Education Problem Review in Small Schools and Education Quality Development for Upgrading the Thailand Education”. Graduate Development Journal, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, 4 (2) (July-December 2017) p.75-88

Napatorn Sivarat, Yupaporn Yupas and Sanya Kenaphoom. 2017. “Applying the Concept of Civil State for Public Management” Journal of Research and Development Institute, Mahasarakham Rajabhat University, 4 (2) : July–December 2017 p.1-12

Sriwan, Sa-ard, Sanya Kenaphoom and Pakdee Phosing. 2017. “Social Strength Based on Strength Family Institution”. Journal of Research and Development Institute, Mahasarakham Rajabhat University, 4 (2) : July–December 2017 p.93-108

Phuangpect Thongmuenwai and Sanya Kenaphoom. 2017. “Cooperation between Public and Private Sector of Smart City Development” Journal of Research and Development Institute, Mahasarakham Rajabhat University, 4 (1) : January–June 2017 p.43-52

Sombat Pholar, Sanya Kenaphoom and Soawalak Kosokittiamporn. 2017. “Strategies for Driving Good Governance in Basic Education School” Journal of Research and Development Institute, Mahasarakham Rajabhat University, 4 (1) : January–June 2017 p.63-78

Prayong Jumpasri, Sanya Kenaphoom, and Songsak Jeerasombat. 2017. “Academic Personnel’s Performance Competencyin Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University” Journal of Mahasarakham Rajabhat University, 11 (1) : January-April 2017. p. 261-270

Rapeeporn Kanapol, Sanya Kenaphoom and Yupaporn Yupas. 2017. “Innovative of Building Local Administrative Partnerships in Mekhong Strategic Provinces of the Northeastern” Local Administration Journal , 10 (3) : June-September 2017 p. 52-76

Rattiporn Sirisri and Sanya Kenaphoom. 2017. “Performance role of the Village Committee in Maung Nong Khai District, Nong Khai” Journal of MCU Peace Studies, 5 (Special Vol.) May 2017. p. 42-50

Wanchai Nasomjit, Sanya Kenaphoom, Pakdee Phosing, Wittaya Chareonsiri. 2017. “The Effective of Legal Proceeding Patterns in the Courts of Justice for the Execution of Bail : care Studier on the Courts Subject to the Office of Chief Justice, Region IV” 28 (2) : June – October 2017 p.64-74

Sirinapha Phocapanit and Sanya Kenaphoom. 2017. “Factors Affecting Debt Burden of Farmers Tha Bo District Nong Khai” Journal of MCU Peace Studies, 5 (Special Vol.) May 2017. p. 192-201

Somboon Keawlamai, Sanya Kenaphoom, Saowalak Kosolkittiamporn and Thanakorn Cheurjamroon. 2017. “The Inter-organizational Collaboration Model for Managing the Road Intersections on Responsibility of Mahasarakham Bureau of Highways and other Agencies in Kalasin, Mahasarakham, Yasothon and Roi-et Province” Journal of Mahasarakham Rajabhat University, 11 (1) : January-April 2017. p. 297-313

Prayuth Budsarn, Sanya Kenaphoom and Wittaya Chareonsiri. 2017. “The Concept and Theory of Public Service Management of Local”. Graduate Development Journal, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, 4 (2) (July-December 2017) p.63-74

Samran Wised, Pakdee Phosing and Sanya Kenaphoom. 2017. “Development Model of Community Financial Institutions in Nakhon Phanom Province”. Chophayom Journal , 28 (2) : June – October 2017 p.108-117

Busaraphon Puangpanya, Sanya Kenaphoom and Yupaporn Yupas. 2016. “Management Approach for Enhancing the Cultural commodity” Bai Lan Journal, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, 1 (1) : January-June 2016 p.80-101

Kewalee Onrueang, Sanya Kenaphoom, and Sakpong Homhual. 2016. “ASEAN Citizens Rights : The Concept in Determining Labor Rights” Dhammathas Academic Journal, 16 (1) : March-June 2016. p. 210-226

Komdech Chaiduen, Sanya Kenaphoom, and Soawalak Kosokittiamporn. 2016. “The Village Volunteer Police : the Protective Volunteer their Motherland : the New Role under the Globalization Paradigm” Dhammathas Academic Journal, 16 (1) : March-June 2016. p. 195-209

Chaiyasit Udomchokenamorn, Sanya Kenaphoom and Sanook Singmart. 2016. “The Political Power Using Forms on the Isan Literature of Siewsawasdi” Bai Lan Journal, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, 1 (1) : January-June 2016 p.61-79

Chatnarongsak Suthamdee and Sanya Kenaphoom. 2016. “The Development of Academic Personnel’s competency in the Northeastern Rajabhat University of Thailand” Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 5 (1) : January-April 2016. p. 123-136

Nathakrit Phuklang, Wittaya Chareonsiri, Soawalak Kosokittiamporn, and Sanya Kenaphoom. 2016. “Motivations for Job Performance of Sub-District Municipality Personnel in Suwanaphum District, Roi-Ed Province” CHOPHAYOM JOURNAL Vol.27 No.1 (January-June) 2016 p. 231-239

Nathakul Phuklang, Wittaya Chareonsiri, Yupaporn Yupas, and Sanya Kenaphoom. 2016. “Factors Affecting Job Efficiency in Government Financial Management of Rajabhat MahaSarakham University for Government Fiscal Management Information System (GFMIS)” CHOPHAYOM JOURNAL Vol.27 No.2 (July - December) 2016. p. 159-165

Thanut Jaklang, Phichid Saensena, Sanya Kenaphoom, and Songsak Jeerasombat. 2016. “The Development Administration of the Village of Health Behavioral Modification” Dhammathas Academic Journal, 16 (1) : March-June 2016. p. 163-179

Thongsupachok Pongsongkham, Sanya Kenaphoom, Songsak Jeesombat. 2016. “The Factors Affecting the Decision Making Trend for Voting the Local Executive of Kham Raing Sub-district Municipality, Thakhonyang Distict, Mahasarakham Province” Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Mahasarakham University, 35 (1) : January-February 2016. p. 108-117

NimnualChantaroon, Kewalee Onrueang, and Sanya Kenaphoom. 2016. “The Wisdom Management Concept of the Indigoand Phu Tai Way of Life” Dhammathas Academic Journal, 16 (10 : March-June 2016. p. 250-263

Panatda Photenam, Soawalak Kosokittiamporn, Sanya Kenaphoom and Titaree Wilailert. 2016. “The Success Model for Enterprise Community Management in Kalasin Province” Journal of Mahasarakham Rajabhat University, 10 (3) : September-December 2016. p. 173-180

Phrakhruwinaithron Chakkree Sricharumedhiyan, Pakdee Phosing, and Sanya Kenaphoom. 2016. “Thai Philosophy of Education and Social Borderless World” Prae-wa Kalasin Journal of Kalasin University, 3 (1) : January-April 2016. p. 117-136

Phrakhruwinaithron Chakkree Sricharumedhiyan, Sanya Kenaphoom and Wittaya Chareonsiri. 2016. “The Role of Thailand Monks in Globalization Society Ages” Journal of MCU Peace Studies, 4 (1) : January-June 2016. p. 275-287

Phrapalad Kesada Phathong, Phrarachrattanalongkorn and Sanya Kenaphoom. 2016. “Strategic Development Of Democratic And Processes Civil Society Thailand Under The Paradigm Principles Of Buddhism” Dhammathas Academic Journal , 16 (2) : July-October 2016. p. 255-273

Phramaha Yodsarun Junthasoon, Sanya Kenaphoom and Songsak Jeerasombat. 2016. “The Process of Promoting Ethics based on Community’s Origanal Faith Identity of Ban Nong Yang Kham, Kong Nang Sub-district, Tha Bo District, Nong Khai” ROMMAYASAN : Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Buriram Rajabhat University, 14 (3) : September-December 2016. p. 131-138

Phrarachrattanalongkorn and Sanya Kenaphoom. 2016. “Buddhist Ethics for Humanity’s Role: Case Study of State, Family, Religion and Education in Nongkhai Province ” Humanities and Social Sciences Journal, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, 7 (2) : July-December 2016. p. 71-88

Pitnitha Pannasil, Pakdee Phosing and Sanya Kenaphoom. 2016. “Corruption in the Thai Bureaucracy : The Guidelines on Prevention and Solution” Journal of MCU Peace Studies , 4 (2) : July-December 2016. p. 326-340

Ranida Monkhlung, Pakdee Phosing and Sanya Kenaphoom. 2016. “Factors Affecting Achievement Policy Implementation of Elderly’s Health Service in the Local Administrative Oganization” Prae-wa Kalasin Journal of Kalasin University, 3 (2) : May-August 2016. : p. 133-153

Rapeeporn Kanapol, Sanya Kenaphoom and Yupaporn Yupas. 2016. “Local Administration Partnership : A Social Role to Strengthening Peace in Communities” Journal of MCU Peace Studies , 4 (1) January-June 2016. p. 243-256

Wararat Boonreuangjak., Sanya Kenaphoom and Soawalak Kosokittiamporn. 2016. “Integration Information Technology to Administration” Dhammathas Academic Journal , 16 (2) July-October 2016. p. 203-220

Watcharaporn Jantanukul and Sanya Kenaphoom. 2016. “The Approach of the Sustainable Community Social Welfare” Area Based Development Research Journal, 8 (4) : p. 3-14

Warit Rasri, Sanya Kenaphoom, Soawalak Kosokittiamporn, Narongrit Sopa. 2016. “A model of economic leadership for local government leaders under the ASEAN community in the provinces of Thailand-Laos, PDR East-West economic corridors” Journal of Social Academic, 9 (3) September-December : p. : 9-22

Siripong Weerapatharakul and Sanya Kenaphoom. 2016. “Developing a Living Model of the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy for Farmer in Satuk District, Buriram Province” ROMMAYASAN : Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. Buriram Rajabhat University, 14 (1) January : April 2016. p. 251-261

Sanook Singmart, Pakdee Phosing and Sanya Kenaphoom. 2016. “A Model of Citizens’ Political Expression in the Northeast of Thailand” Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 5 (3) : September-December 2016. p. 29-44

Somphong Kesanuch, Jumnong Phomphai, Songsak Jeerasombat and Sanya Kenaphoom. 2016. “The Monk Role Development for Resolving the Conflicts in Thai Socia” Dhammathas Academic Journal, 16 (1) March-June 2016. p. 227-249

Somsak Promdue, Sanya Kenaphoom, Soawalak Kosokittiamporn and Rungsan Singhalert. 2016. “The Public Service Policy Innovation of Sub-district Administrative Organization in the Central Northeast of Thailand” Journal of Social Academic, 9 (2) : May-August 2016. p. 9-25

 Sutheekit Fodsungnern, Sanya Kenaphoom, Soawalak Kosokittiamporn and Suthiphan Arunwad. 2016 “socialization model among State-Family-Religion-School for developing the democratic community way of life in the Central Northeast Thailand. ” ROMMAYASAN : Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. Buriram Rajabhat University, 14 (1) January : April 2016. p. 131-141

Surapon Sasen, Sanya Kenaphoom and Watcharin Sutthisai. 2016. “The Policy Approach for Managing the Thai Nationalityless Persons in Ubon Ratchathani Province” Humanities and Social Sciences Journal, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, 7 (1) : January-June 2016. p. 245-269

Suwattanaphong Romsi and Sanya Kenaphoom. 2016. “Management Model for Leveraging the Educational Quality Standard, Office of Rio-et Primary Education Area 1)”. Prae-wa Kalasin Journal of Kalasin University, 3 (1) : January – April 2016 p. 9-26

Suwattanaphong Romsi, Phermphoon Romsi and Sanya Kenaphoom. 2016. “Model Development for Using the Educational Quality Assessment Results, Office of Rio-et Primary Education Area 1” JOURNAL OF NAKHONRATCHASIMA COLLEGE, 10 (2) : July-December 2016. p. 323-335

Soawalak Kosokittiamporn and Sanya Kenaphoom. 2016. “General Principle on Organization and Management”. Prae-wa Kalasin Journal of Kalasin University, 3 (1) : January – April 2016 p. 170-194

Kampeera Sankung, Sanya Kenaphoom and Soawalak Kosokittiamporn. 2015. “Servicer Pursuing Leadership under Dynamic Circumstances in the 21st Century” Prae-wa Kalasin Journal of Kalasin University, 2 (2) May - August 2015 p.132-145

Janthanan Jarunopatham and Sanya Kenaphoom. 2015. “Factors Influencing the Academic Positions Accession of the Academic Personnel, Rajabhat Maha Sara Kham University” Governance Journal, 4 (2) : July-December 2015. p. 208-231

Duangta Rach-a-sa, Sanya Kenaphoom and Yupaporn Yupas. 2015. “The Driven Approach of Good Governance Management in The Era of Capitalism” Prae-wa Kalasin Journal of Kalasin University,, 2 (3) : September – December p.130-151

Preedee Thummek, Sanya Kenaphoom and Wittaya Chareonsiri. 2015. “Guidelines of Internal Education Assurance Assessment of the Higher Education Institution” Prae-wa Kalasin Journal of Kalasin University,, 2 (3) : September – December 2015 p.86-109

Preeyaphat Parichattrakook, Sanya Kenaphoom, Soawalak Kosokittiamporn and Yupaporn Yupas. 2015. “Factors Affecting Purchasing Krungthai - Axa Insurance at Krungthai Bank in Maha Sarakham Province” Journal of Mahasarakham Rajabhat University, 9 (1) : January-April 2015. p. 245-255

Phra Thawin Tavasaro (Singtap), Riangdow Tavachalee and Sanya Kenaphoom. 2015. “Raja-Sangahavatthu-Based Administration of the Nonthong Municipality, Nayung District, Udonthani Province” Journal of MCU Peace Studies , 3 (1) : January-June 2015. p. 71-86

Phrabaideeka Sarawut Mahalapho (Hongkam), Sanya Kenaphoom and Yupaporn Yupas. 2015. “The Roles and Leadership of Buddhist Executive Monks in the 21st Century” JOURNAL OF NAKHONRATCHASIMA COLLEGE, 9 (1) : January-June 2015, p. 78-83

Phramaha Somchai Siripañño, Panya Klaydesh and Sanya Kenaphoom. 2015. “Kalyãnamitta-Dhamma-Based Administration of Administrator in Banchai Sub-District Administrative Organization Bandung District Udonthani Province” Journal of MCU Peace Studies , 3 (2) : July-December 2015. p. 79-97

Pitnitha Pannasil, Sanya Kenaphoom and Soawalak Kosokittiamporn. 2015. “ The Role of Local Executive in the 21st Century” Journal of MCU Peace Studies, 3 (2) : July-December 2015. p.146-166

Pichet Srisuk, Sanya Kenaphoom and Songsak Jeerasombat. 2015. “Public Mind : Restoring Sustainability for Mankind” Prae-wa Kalasin Journal of Kalasin University, 2 (2) May - August 2015 p.64-83

Watcharaporn Taweekul, Sanya Kenaphoom and Yupaporn Yupas. 2015. “The Role of the University in the Paradigms of the ASEAN Community” Prae-wa Kalasin Journal of Kalasin University,, 2 (3) : September – December p.110-129

Sakowduean Phimphisan,Dr. Sanya Kenaphoom and Saowalak Kosolkittiamporn. 2015. “Transformational Leadership Qualities for Developing Educational Institutions Operating Under Good Governance” Prae-wa Kalasin Journal of Kalasin University,, 2 (1) : January - April 2015 p.37-60

Sanook Singmart and Sanya Kenaphoom. 2015. “The Edible Democracy : Fact or Just Politic Discourse”. Journal of Research for Development Social and Community, Rajabhat Maha sarakham University, 2 (2) (4) : February - July 2015

Smaporn Phoowijit, Yupaporn Yupas, Sanya Kenaphoom. 2015. “The Effective Organizational Culture Model” JOURNAL OF NAKHONRATCHASIMA COLLEGE, 9 (1) : January-June 2015. p. 73-77

Santi Ruechai, Sakpong Homhual and Sanya Kenaphoom. 2015. “Isaan Folk School : The Integration to Life Quality Development of the students based on ways of Isaan” Journal of Educational Administration, Khon Kaen University, 11 (2) : July-December 2015. p. 185-194

Anucha Lawong, Soawalak Kosokittiamporn, Yupaporn Yupas and Sanya Kenaphoom. 2015. “Relationships between work ethics and organizational commitment of Employees in Higher Education Institutions Maha Sarakham Rajabhat University” Journal of Education, Mahasarakham Rajabhat University, 12 (1) : January-June 2015. p. 83-96

Chayanit Saengthip, Saovalak Kosonkittiumporm, Yupaporn Yupas and Sanya Kenaphoom.2014 “Performance Competencies Staff Members Department of Skill Development in Roi Ed, Khonkaen, Maha Sarakham and Kalasin Provinces” Journal of Mahasarakham Rajabhat University, 8 (1) : January-April 2014. p. 169-179

Netipat Rooyuenyong , Saowalak Kosonkittiumporn , SanyaKenaphoom and Somjet Poosri4. 2014. “A Model for Working Behavior Development to Construct Equity Under Good Governance of Provincial Administration Officers in Roi-Et ProvinceChophayom Journal, Mahasarakham Rajabhat University, 25 (1) : January-June 2014. p. 65-77

Phrakrooanukulpariyattikarn, Sakpong Homhual and Sanya Kenaphoom. 2014 “A Model for Strengthening Community through Meditation Based Process for Peacebuilding” JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL MEASUREMENT, MAHASARAKHAM UNIVERSITY, 20 (1) : July 2014. p. 151-162

Wittaya Chareonsiri, Sanya Kenaphoom and Pakdee Phosing. 2014. “The Administrative and Organizational Culture Factors Affecting the Effectiveness of Local Government in Maha Sarakham Province” Journal of Mahasarakham Rajabhat University, 8 (3) : September-December 2014. p. 153-164

Weerasak Lunsee, Siri Thee-arsana and Sanya Kenaphoom. 2014. “THE DEVELOPMENT OF INTERNAL EVALUATION MODEL OF BASIC SCHOOLS” GRADUATE STUDIES JOURNAL, 11 (54) : July-September 2014. p. 193-200

Suchada Nillaphay, Yupaporn Yupas, Sanya Kenaphoom and Pakdee Phosing. 2014. “THE FACTOR AFFECTING OFFICERS’ MORAL OF SUB-DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY IN NONGKHAI MUENG DISTRICT, NONGKHAI PROVINCE” GRADUATE STUDIES JOURNAL, 11 (54) : July-September 2014. : p. 133-140

Sonthareeya Chaipanha, Saovalak Kosolkittiamporn and Sanya Kenaphoom. 2013 “The Development of Strengthen Management Model of Kud Rang Silk Weaving Group, Kud Rang District, Maha Sarakham Province” Journal of Mahasarakham Rajabhat University, 8 (1) : January-April 2014. p. 239-247

Rattiphan Saenbudda, Sanya Kenaphoom and Yupaporn Yupas. 2013. “Interaction between age and education affect the political participation of the people in the subdistrict administrative organization, Tambon Phra That Amphoe Nadun, Changwat Mahasarakham” Journal of Nakhonratchasima College, 8 (1) : January-June 2013. p. 17-24

Surapon Promkul and Sanya Kenaphoom. 2013. “The Campaign with Election Process” Dhammathas Academic Journal, 14 (2) : July - October 2014. p. 37-43

Soawalak Kosokittiamporn and Sanya Kenaphoom. 2013. “The community learning processes on the culture arts to enhance status as the culture arts of ASEAN Community; Case study of Kantharawichai community, Kantharawichai district, Mahasarakham province” Journal of Mahasarakham Rajabhat University, 7 (1) : January-April 2013. p. 197-204

Tanaporn Juntakat, Songsak Jeerasombat, Sanya Kenaphoom and Yupapron Yupa. 2012. “The Opinions of Village Committee Members towards the Administration in Accordance with the Authority of Sub-district Municipality in Jangharn District, Roi-Et Province” Journal of Mahasarakham Rajabhat University, 6 (3) : September-December 2012. เลขหน้า139-150


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