Rebranding Thailand through the Phenomenon of the Dark Cave and the 13 Wild Boars

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Jusana Techakana


This paper aims at initiating an opportunity of Thailand’s tourism to rebrand its communication theme by leveraging the phenomenon of the 12 football players and their coach being caught in a dark cave, and a miraculous heroic rescuing operation, which has captured the world’s attention. The paper is a documentary research by reviewing various concepts, principles, and theories pertaining to rebranding and tourism development. The findings point out an opportunity to add adventure tourism to the saturated imagery of cultural and traditional elements, which is the theme of Amazing Thailand for decades. The concept of rebranding should be initiated, and the task force consisting of all stakeholders should work together in an integrated fashion to develop and promote the site of the dark cave as a new tourism destination. Resource audit should be in place to develop tourism on RBV base, and it should be community-based tourism to get consents and co-operation from community residents. The development should take into account the principles of sustainable tourism, and the Balanced Scorecard concept should be employ to measure the efficiency and effectiveness of the project.

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How to Cite
Techakana, J. (2019). Rebranding Thailand through the Phenomenon of the Dark Cave and the 13 Wild Boars. วารสารสันติศึกษาปริทรรศน์ มจร, 7(6), 1547–1560. สืบค้น จาก


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