Role of Election Organization at National and Local Levels on Public Opinions to Promote Democratic Society

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Phaibul Changrien
Yannakorn Toprayoon
Supatra Assavasukee
Chai Ching Tan


This study targets to identify and put into a structure organizing the elements that election organization can exploit to support and enable the public opinions in the election process in order to benefi t towards promoting democratic society. The methodology is literature review. The deductive approach of the literature review is a synthesizing mechanism which leads to a simple conceptual framework illuminating the role of election organization in protecting public opinion and inspiring promising democracy. Four elements should be actively pursued to support and enable the roles of election organizations, namely the establishment of ISO Quality Management Systems (QMS), election observations, good educational systems, and normative institutional rule and body. Public opinions form an essential input to a quality election process, as argued for the expressive, normative, prospective, and expectation-oriented information the government and relevant political parties can make use of. The literature review arrives at a simple input-process-output framework that puts a structural guideline for the election organizations to facilitate for a quality and equality of public opinions.

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How to Cite
Changrien, P., Toprayoon, Y., Assavasukee, S., & Tan, C. C. (2019). Role of Election Organization at National and Local Levels on Public Opinions to Promote Democratic Society. วารสารสันติศึกษาปริทรรศน์ มจร, 7(5), 1179–1191. สืบค้น จาก


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