The Use of the Media of the Buddha's communication

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Boonlert Otsu
Bomrung Sukpan
Gamon Wattana
Phrakhrupalad suvattanabanthitathuna Pairau
Kanokwan Karunaritthiyotin


There are three points in this research, (1) to study the use of the Buddha's communication media in the Tipitaka; (2) to analyze the success of the use of the Buddha's communication device and (3) to integrate the Buddha's teachings. Use the Buddha 's communication devices to teach the Buddhist way of communication. Using the qualitative research method, the document is then integrated into teaching and learning in the Buddhist way of communication.
The research found that The use of the Buddha's communication media in the Tipitaka. It is the Buddha's Got Talent 5 in communication in daily life or throughout the life of being Buddha, including morning, almsgiving. The evening was fair. Evening Obedience to the bhikkhus At midnight answer angel problem. Time nearer to consider. Individuals who can attain dharma and who still can not attain dharma. The substance is the principle that the Buddha sent out to solve the problem is the suffering of all animals. The types of media that the Buddha uses in communication are (1) personal media (2) Media Theology (3) Social Media, and Culture (4) Natural Media (5) language media, (6) Media, allegories, and (7) Media Jataka tales.

The use of the Buddha's communication media has been successful, starting with the purpose and purpose of the communication. It consists of the techniques used in the media. Including how to approach religious, political and economic leaders. He used a revolutionary approach to the doctrines and beliefs of some traditional religions. In addition, he knows how to use three miraculous methods of communication. In addition, the media of the Buddha uses personality. How to Reform the Catechism Proactive approach How to propose the doctrinal principles of Buddhism How social service community How to adapt to local culture.
Integrating the use of the Buddha's communication device with the teaching of the Buddhist way of communication. It can be done by bringing different media types. Integrate with 5 skills: (1) Moral ethics (2) Knowledge (3) Intellectual skills (4) Interpersonal skills and responsibilities, and (5) Numerical analysis skills. Communication and Use of Information Technology.

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How to Cite
Otsu, B., Sukpan, B., Wattana, G., Pairau, P. suvattanabanthitathuna, & Karunaritthiyotin, K. (2018). The Use of the Media of the Buddha’s communication. วารสารสันติศึกษาปริทรรศน์ มจร, 6(2), 584–594. สืบค้น จาก