The Development on Quality of Life by Buddhist Integration

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Charoen Nuchniyom


The purposes of this research were to (1) study concepts and theories of the development on quality of life, (2) examine the development on quality of life by Buddhist integration of the elderly at the Health Promotion Center of the Elderly, Boromarajonani College of Nursing, NakhonLampang, and (3) investigate the results of the development on quality of life by Buddhist integration. Action research and in-depth interview techniques were applied in this qualitative study. For data analysis, percentage, mean and standard deviation were used to compare pre-andpost-study results of participating in an activity using t-test for individual achievement and using content analysis to analyze the target group, the elderly, as a whole. The standard deviation value obtained from the study was 0.51.
The research findings were as follows: (1) concepts and theories of the development on quality of life by Buddhist integration were the development of body, precepts, mind, wisdom, self-reliance, and ability to follow moral principles; (2) physical development on quality of life by Buddhist integration of the elderly using moral principles was that they could practice the precepts of Buddhism while mental development was wisdom which helped the elderly have good physical and mental health; (3) recommendations for the development model on quality of life by Buddhist integration of the elderly showed that improving quality of life by Buddhist integration was an excellent model, and appropriate for taking care of physical and mental health of the elderly in terms of consumption under precepts, promoting perseverance and improving quality of lifeleading to a good quality of life of the elderly.


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How to Cite
Nuchniyom, C. (2018). The Development on Quality of Life by Buddhist Integration. วารสารสันติศึกษาปริทรรศน์ มจร, 6(2), 619–631. สืบค้น จาก