The Maintaining of Buddhism in Modern Thai Society through the View of Buddhist Philosophers

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Thaksina Krairach
Denpong Sankum
Grid Krairach


This article is intended to present the issues of maintaining Buddhism in modern Thai society through Buddhist sages, in terms of the concept of politics, governance, the relationship of Buddhism with the state, and in terms of practice, about the important role of Buddhism, that has been influenced by two Buddhism philosophers: Buddhadasa Bhikkhu and Prayudh Payutto, bring important processes that help maintain Buddhism in Thai society. In terms of practice, Buddhism should adapt itself to the changing way of life of society, mostly influenced by Western thinking. This article aims to develop Buddhism in order to keep up with modern Thai society and to be able to stand firmly. The state, monks and lay people are important parts in preserving Buddhism in every eras.

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How to Cite
Krairach, T., Sankum, D., & Krairach, G. (2018). The Maintaining of Buddhism in Modern Thai Society through the View of Buddhist Philosophers. วารสารสันติศึกษาปริทรรศน์ มจร, 6(2), 404–415. สืบค้น จาก