Effects of a recreation program for improvement of adversity quotient of hearing impaired students


  • กัลพฤกษ์ พลศร Faculty of Education, Kasetsart University


Recreation program, adversity quotient, hearing impaired


          The purposes of this quasi-experimental research were to assess the needs for recreation, and adversity quotient of hearing impaired students and the effects of a recreation program on promoting adversity quotient of hearing impaired students.  Through purposive sampling, a sample group of 801 was selected from hearing impaired students across Thailand to answer a questionnaire, and a sample group of 30 hearing impaired students of Songkhla School for the Deaf was selected to participate in the program for
8 weeks. The research instruments were a self-administered questionnaire on the needs for activities for improving adversity quotient of hearing impaired students, adversity quotient evaluation form, and a recreation program for adversity quotient improvement.  The data were analyzed using frequency, mean, percentile, standard deviation and t-test.

          The study found that the recreation activities that the hearing impaired students desired to participate from most to least were use of technology, music and singing, listening to music, painting, tourism and field trip, and arts and craft, respectively.  Overall, the adversity quotient of hearing impaired students was at a moderate level ( gif.latex?\bar{x}=2.90).  Regarding the hearing impaired students who participated in the 8-week recreation program, their scores before and after participating in the program were at a low level ( gif.latex?\bar{x} =2.33), and at a moderate level ( gif.latex?\bar{x}= 3.11), respectively. After participating in the program, the adversity quotient of the hearing impaired students was higher than before participating in the recreation program at a statistically significant level of .05.   




How to Cite

พลศร ก. (2018). Effects of a recreation program for improvement of adversity quotient of hearing impaired students. Journal of Liberal Arts Prince of Songkla University, 10(2), 333–359. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/journal-la/article/view/164108



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