About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The Journal of Liberal Arts, Prince of Songkla University is a scholarly journal that adheres to a rigorous double-blind peer review process. It commits to publishing original, high-quality Research Articles, Review Articles, Academic Articles, and Book Reviews. The journal publishes original manuscripts on current research and issues in language and language education, cultural studies, as well as social sciences. The journal welcomes contributions, especially in the following areas:

Language and Language Education

  • First and second language acquisition
  • Language professional development
  • Language teaching and learning
  • Literature, linguistics, and discourse analysis

Cultural Studies

  • Folklore studies
  • Creative culture
  • Cultural tourism
  • Cultural communication

Social Sciences

  • Sociology
  • Psychology
  • Sociocultural anthropology
  • Tourism and hospitality management
  • Education

Publication Frequency

The Journal of Liberal Arts is an online, open-access journal.

The Journal publishes 2 issues per year and is overseen by the Faculty of Liberal Arts at Prince of Songkla University.

Issue 1: January-June

Issue 2: July-December

Types of Published Articles

  1. Research Articles
  2. Review Articles
  3. Academic Articles
  4. Book Reviews

Article Processing Charge (APC)

Publishing a paper in the Journal of Liberal Arts requires article processing charges (APC). For the manuscript submitted after January 1, 2022, authors will be required to pay a one-time article processing fee of 2,000 baht upon official manuscript acceptance for peer review, the full details of which can be found on our APC page. 

Ownership and Management

The Journal of Liberal Arts is owned and managed by the Faculty of Liberal Arts, Prince of Songkhla University. It is supported by the Research Fund of the Faculty of Liberal Arts.

Publication Process

Review Policy

  1. Overview The Journal of Liberal Arts, Prince of Songkla University, is committed to maintaining high standards of academic integrity and quality. The journal publishes original research and issues related to language and language education, cultural studies, and social sciences.

  2. Peer Review Process All submitted manuscripts undergo a rigorous double-blind peer review process to ensure impartiality and quality. Each manuscript is reviewed by three independent experts in the relevant field.

  3. Submission Guidelines
  • Manuscripts must be original and not under consideration by any other publication.
  • Submissions should adhere to the journal’s formatting and citation guidelines.
  • Authors are required to submit their work through the journal’s online submission system.
  1. Review Criteria Reviewers evaluate submissions based on the following criteria:
  • Relevance to the journal’s focus and scope
  • Originality and contribution to the field
  • Clarity and coherence of the argument
  • Methodological rigor and validity of results
  • Proper citation of relevant literature
  1. Reviewer Responsibilities
  • Provide objective, constructive, and timely feedback.
  • Maintain confidentiality of the manuscript and review process.
  • Disclose any potential conflicts of interest to the editorial team.
  1. Editorial Decision Based on the reviewers’ feedback, the editorial team will make one of the following decisions:
  • Accept
  • Minor Revisions
  • Major Revisions
  • Reject Authors will be notified of the decision along with reviewers’ comments and suggestions.
  1. Publication Ethics The journal adheres to strict ethical standards to prevent plagiarism, data fabrication, and other forms of academic misconduct. Authors, reviewers, and editors are expected to follow these guidelines to uphold the integrity of the publication.

  2. Open Access Policy The journal provides immediate open access to its content, promoting the free exchange of knowledge and information.

      9. Contact Information For any inquiries regarding the submission or review process, please contact:
           Journal of Liberal Arts, Prince of Songkla University
          Faculty of Liberal Arts, Prince of Songkla University
          Hat Yai, Songkhla, Thailand 90112
          Tel: +66(0)7428 6675
          Email: journal.lapsu@gmail.com

Journal History

The Journal of Liberal Arts (JLA) was initially founded in 2008–2009 as the Journal of Liberal Arts, Prince of Songkla University, under the leadership of the former Dean of the Faculty of Liberal Arts, Associate Professor Dr. Sujitra Jorajit. The primary objective was to offer a platform for the publication of academic works by faculty lecturers, students, and interested individuals.

Since its inception, the JLA editorial boards have been diligent in their efforts to guarantee that the journal adheres to established standards, including the pursuit of accreditation in national and international databases. The process began with the development of a journal management system and the organization of the personnel to ensure the efficient operation of the journal. The publication of Volume 1, Issue 1 took place in July and December 2009.

At first, the initiative was operating with the anticipation of funding from the Thailand Research Fund (TRF). However, since the funding policy was no longer in effect, the Faculty of Liberal Arts' research fund was utilized to provide financial support for the journal, allowing it to be presently indexed in the Thai-Journal Citation Index (TCI) and ASEAN Citation Index (ACI) databases and to initiate plans for accreditation in reputable international databases in the future.

The journal's inclusion in the TCI database has resulted in its operational framework adhering to TCI's standardized criteria, providing a more precise course of action than in the past.

ISSN: 1906-7208 (Print) | 2651-1126 (Online)