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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • 1. A research article, a review article, and a book review article in the field of language and language education, cultural studies, and social sciences that have not been published elsewhere and that has not been concurrently submitted for consideration to be published in any other journals.
  • The manuscripts submission file can open in Microsoft Word. Author(s) can access a template file and The submission form to download, Please scroll down.
  • Where available, URLs and DOIs for the references have been provided.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in about the website Journal.
  • The editorial team will ensure the author's anonymity at the initial stage of the double-blind peer review process.
    In case of submission for further revisions, the author is responsible for anonymising their own manuscript(e.g. affiliations, funding sources, etc.).
  • 2. About Manuscripts Publication.
    Manuscripts originally written in English and in Thai must pass a pre-screening process by the editor-in-chief before the manuscript enters to the peer-review process.
  • 2.1 Manuscripts in English
    2.1.1 In a pre-screening process, manuscripts originally written in English, the author (s) must attach the file “Certificate of Language Editing,” by a professional language editor when the editor-in-chief request.
    2.1.2 After a review process, the author (s) must attach the file “Certificate of Language Editing,” signed by a professional language editor, when returning the revised manuscript for further review for publication by our editorial board.
  • 2.2 Manuscripts in Thai
    2.2.1 Manuscripts in Thai must be translated into English if recommended by reviewers and the editorial board for publication only; otherwise, we reserve the right neither to issue an acceptance letter nor to publish the manuscript.
    2.2.2 The Process of language translating manuscripts from Thai to English is the responsibility of the author. The author(s) must attach the file “Certificate of Language Translating” for further review for publication by our editorial board.
  • 3. Accompanied by copyright permission for any material reproduced from other sources which is not covered by ‘fair use’.
  • 4. Typed in Microsoft Word format using Times New Roman 12 point with 1.15 line spacing and a length of a manuscript in research article 5,000-7,000 words, review article 4,000 words and book review article 1,500 words all including references. In Thai article must be typed in TH SarabunPSK 15 point.
  • 5. Use the reference style of APA 7th edition. (A reference in the Thai manuscript must be in English)

Author Guidelines

Requirements for manuscripts submitted to Journal of Liberal Arts, Prince of Songkla University

Note: As of January 1, 2022, the journal requires a manuscript processing charge of 2,000 baht to be paid within 7 days after a manuscript has been accepted into the peer review process.

Specific to Staff of the of Faculty of Liberal Arts, Prince of Songkla University the journal requires a manuscript processing charge of 1,000 baht

Manuscript Preparation
The editorial board will consider only manuscripts that meet the following requirements.
1. The manuscript must be:
1.1 a research article, a review article, or a book review
article in the field of language and language education, cultural studies, or social sciences that has not been published elsewhere and that has not been concurrently submitted for consideration to be published in any other journals.
1.2 written in English.  OR manuscripts written in Thai must be translated into English once they have successfully passed the review process before they will be published or an acceptance letter can be issued.
1.3 accompanied by copyright permission for any material reproduced from other sources which are not covered by ‘fair use.’
1.4 typed in Microsoft Word paper size A4 format using Times New Roman 12 point with 1.15 line spacing and the length of a research article must be 5,000-7,000 words, a review article 4,000 words and a book review article 1,500 words all including references. A manuscript in Thai must be typed in TH SarabunPSK 16 points.
2. Title concise and relevant to the content
3. Author Name(s)
3.1 Write the authors’ first name(s) and family name(s) on the center side of the paper, under the progress date or article title.
3.2 On the footnote:
3.2.1 Add Affiliation:(faculty, college or school, and institution) and Country
3.2.1 Add Corresponding author name and E-mail
4. Abstract
4.1 Every article in Thai and English needs to be accompanied by an abstract with a length
of 200 - 250 words.
4.2 The abstract should be followed by a list of three to five keywords. 
5aResearch Article Content (5,000-7,000 words)
In accordance with a research paradigm covering the following:
    1) Introduction
    2) Objectives or Research Questions 
    3) Research Methodology
    4) Findings
    5) Discussion (or Findings and Discussion)  
    6) Conclusion
    7) Implications and Applications (if any)
    8) References (APA 7th edition) with DOI where available
5b. Review Article Content (4,000 words)
A review article should focus on a specific aspect and provide a new perspective on the subject being reviewed.
    1) Introduction 
    2) Main Topic with appropriate headings
    3) Conclusion
    4) References (APA 7th edition) with DOI where available
5c.  Book Review Article Content (1,500 words)
    1) Review Content
    2) References (APA 7th edition) with DOI where available

Procedures and Criteria for Article Consideration
1. The editorial board
 gives primary consideration.
2. Reviewers consist of three experts who review the content and examine the academic correctness and quality of the manuscript.
3. The editorial board does not return the manuscript to the author(s).
(In case the editorial board accepted the manuscript publication completely)
4. The authors retain the copyright to their article but the Journal of Liberal Arts, Prince of Songkla University reserves the exclusive rights to the first publication.

Submitting the Manuscript
The manuscript must be accompanied by a cover letter; a file of the article *.doc or *.docx should be submitted via this link:

Fonts and Forms for Publication 
1. Font: Times New Roman 12 point
2. Line spacing: 1.15         
3. Page Margins:
    Top 2.54 cm                    Bottom 3 cm
    Left 2.54 cm                    Right 2.54 cm
4. Font Feature
5. Download A4 Template
6. References
Use the reference style of APA 7th edition in English, The Author can click on this link to download  APA Style 7th Edition Guidelines, or click on this link to learn more.

Note that research participant interviews are conducted as part of the research methodology; therefore, they should NOT be added to the end references. Simply add them to the in-text citation, using the following formats.
Narrative citation: Student A (personal communication, August 9, 2023)
Parenthetical citation: (Student A, personal communication, August 9, 2023)
7. Flowchart and Timing of Manuscript Publication see JLA process

File download
1. Submission Form for Publication for Journal of Liberal Arts, Prince of Songkla University
2. Certificate of English Language  
Note: Qualifications of Language Specialists
Native or near-native users of English with specialization or experience
in academic writing who can understand the academic content of the manuscript
under review. Authors using the services of unaffiliated language professionals
must submit the specialists’ current CVs along with the Certificate of Language
for our editorial board’s consideration.

Author Guidelines for Manuscript Revision Following the Peer Review:

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.