A Study of Academic Leadership of School Administrators in the 21st Century under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Ubon Ratchathani Amnat Charoen
Academic Leadership, School Administrators, 21st CenturyAbstract
The purposes of this research were to 1) study the academic leadership of school administrators in the 21st century under the Secondary Education Service Area Office Ubon Ratchathani Amnat Charoen 2) compare the academic leadership of school administrators in the 21st century categorized by position, educational qualifications, work experience, and school size, and 3) explore strategies for developing academic leadership of school administrators in the 21st century. The population consists of 3,605 administrators and civil servant teachers under the Ubon Ratchathani and Amnat Charoen Secondary Educational Service Area Office. The sample used in the research includes 351 administrators and civil servant teachers, determined by the Krejcie & Morgan sample size table and obtained through stratified random sampling. The target interview group comprised 8 individuals selected through purposive sampling. The research data collected by using structured questionnaires with a reliability coefficient of .96 and structured interviews. The statistics used in data analysis were percentages, means, standard deviations, t-test, F-test, and content analysis.
The research results showed as follow : 1) The study on the academic leadership of school administrators in the 21st century, under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office of Ubon Ratchathani and Amnat Charoen, revealed that, overall, the leadership level is high, with an average score of 4.40. 2) the comparison of the academic leadership of school administrators in the 21st on work position and education level were significant different at the statistical level of .01 whereas the work experience and shool size were sifficant different at statistical level of .05. 3) strategical guidelines for developing the academic leadership of school administrators in the 21st suggested that the role of admistrators should perform as the leader of development and change, provide opportunities for expressing opinion collaboratively, promote the readiness for change, create comfortable work environment, give productive advice, recognize personal strengths and weaknesses, help solve problems, develop schools to meet the change in the 21st century, and encourage personnel morality for the effectiveness of schools.
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