The Effect of Inclusive Leadership on Subordinate Behaviors Via The Mediating Roles of Relational Identity and Trust in Chengdu, China
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This Article aimed to (1) study the effect between inclusive leadership, relational identity, trust, and subordinate behaviors, (2) analyst the inclusive leadership, relational identity, trust effect subordinate behaviors, (3) testify the trust and relational identity play a mediating role between inclusive leadership and subordinate behaviors. This research was quantitative research, collected data from executives of the companies in Chengdu, China sample of 409 respondents via simple random sampling, Analysis of data via SEM by AMOS. The research result was found as follow: 1). the factors that influence inclusive leadership were leadership effectiveness, leadership openness, and leadership accessibility. Factors that influence relational identity were relational identity individual cognition, individual understanding, and individual concentrate. Factors influence Trust were trust cognitive, behavioral, and trust affective.2) the impact of Inclusive leadership, relational identity, and trust of the companies was insignificant. Still, the impact of pay on subordinate behaviors has been found insignificant. 3) The mediating relational identity, and trust impact of subordinate behaviors factors play impact between the independent variables inclusive leadership to pay on subordinate behaviors the dependent variable.
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