Transnationalization of Music Through the Composition of Fon Ngiao

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Yan Yan
Veera Phansue
Metee Metee


This research aimed to explore the concept of original and contemporary Ngiao music, a traditional Thai musical form, and create a new sonata composition for piano and Thai string chamber ensemble. The study focused on the music, history, and culture of Fon Ngiao, examining the syncretism of Thai and Western music through the analysis of contemporary Ngiao compositions. The research explored ways to effectively convey the aesthetic standard of Thai music to Western audiences through performance, despite the challenges of harmonizing Thai and Western music systems. The research was conducted in Bangkok, Thailand using qualitative research methodologies such as surveys, interviews, and participant observation. The goal was to compose a new work blending Thai with Western music, promoting understanding and appreciation of Thai traditional music among university musicians, and showcasing its beauty to a wider audience. The research also documented and analyzed the piano compositions of Natchar Pancharoen and Bruce Gaston, who devoted themselves to the preservation and promotion of Thai music. Furthermore, the study examined the role of the piano in Thai music and its integration into traditional Thai string ensembles, providing insights into the influence of Western classical music on Thai culture and society. Overall, this research presented a comprehensive analysis of Fon Ngiaw and its adaptations to inspire the creation of modern musical works with Thai characteristics.

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How to Cite
Yan, Y., Phansue, V., & Metee, M. (2023). Transnationalization of Music Through the Composition of Fon Ngiao. วารสารนวัตกรรมการศึกษาและการวิจัย, 7(4), 1083–1095.


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