Comparison of Causal Factors Influencing Behavioral Intention of Small-Scale Marathon Events Among Runners with Different Involvement
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This article aimed to develop a causal relationship model of factors influencing behavioral intention of small-scale marathon event runners and to compare a difference of the causal relationship models among high and low involvement runners. This research was a quantitative research using the questionnaire with reliability value at 0.890. The Sample was 480 runners participated in small-scale marathon events recurring in Bangkok and Perimeter. The data were analyzed by using Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Model. The results found that the causal relationship model of factors influencing behavioral intention was fit. Service quality and destination image had direct effects on satisfaction which acted likewise as a significant mediator affecting behavioral intention indirectly. Furthermore, there were significant direct effects from destination image and satisfaction to behavioral intention. However, there was no significant difference of the models among high and low involved runners. Therefore, small-scale marathon event managers should pay attention to satisfaction because it can play an essential role in behavioral intention consisting of recommendation to others and retention.
Service quality should be provided by concentrating on satisfying runners when organizing the events. In addition, the cities hosting the events need to serve destination image to runners for perceiving appreciation during the trips. Consequently, these were advantageous for developing small-scale marathon events sustainably.
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