Meta-Analysis of STEM Education Influencing Learning Achievement and Thinking in Thailand from 2016 to 2020
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STEM education is one of the alternative learning approaches, and it is promoted widely in Thailand since it integrates four core subjects: science, technology, engineering, and mathematics for students to learn at once. Further, implementing STEM education might enhance students' soft skills along with hard skills. Therefore, this study aims to identify the effect-size index of STEM education influencing 1) students' learning achievement and 2) thinking skills. This study's population comprises 104 master's and doctoral theses on STEM education in Thailand. The following criteria were applied to select samples: it should be a master's or doctoral thesis on STEM education conducted in Thailand, the research design is a two-group pretest-posttest design, and it has been published on the Thai Digital Collection database between 2016-2020. Data were collected from eight theses according to the criteria mentioned above using the research evaluation form and research record form. Meta-analysis is employed in this study. The finding reveals that STEM education enhances students' learning achievement of experiment groups compared to control groups' (SMD=0.906 (95%CI;0.706 to 1.105), I2=49.800). STEM education also enhances students' thinking skills of experiment groups compared to control groups' (SMD=0.993 (95%CI;0.745 to 1.242), I2=0.000). The results show that STEM education helps students to level up their learning achievement and thinking skills.
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