Factors influencing low-carbon Travel for Urban residents: A case study of Chongqing city in China

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Zhicheng Wang
Wasin Phromphitakkul


Starting with the influence mechanism between consciousness and behavior, based on the theory of planned behavior, this paper constructed a conceptual model of influencing factors of residents' low-carbon travel intention, analyzes the influencing factors of urban residents' use of low-carbon travel style when they travel. In this paper, a sample survey was conducted among 400 residents in Chongqing using a questionnaire, Mplus7was used to analyze the survey data by structural equation model. The results showed that low-carbon travel attitude, low-carbon travel subjective norms, low-carbon travel perceptual behavior control, and individual environmental awareness had a positive impact on Chongqing residents' low-carbon travel intention. In addition, the study showed that individual environmental awareness had a significant positive impact on low-carbon travel attitudes. Finally, it was proposed to optimize the public transport network and improve the relevant infrastructure construction to enhance people's low-carbon awareness and enhance the initiative of the public to participate in low-carbon travel.

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How to Cite
Wang, Z. ., & Phromphitakkul, W. . (2022). Factors influencing low-carbon Travel for Urban residents: A case study of Chongqing city in China. วารสารนวัตกรรมการศึกษาและการวิจัย, 6(1), 61–73. สืบค้น จาก https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jeir/article/view/254534


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