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Ruechuta Tepayakul


Talent management is a significant human resource management strategy in the 21st century with talent identification is the first element of talent management. Although there is literature that presents about talent management, there are only a few pieces of literature that directly presents about talent identification. Also, the knowledge gap regarding both the meaning and criteria of talent identification are still unclear. This paper aimed to present important knowledge about the meaning and criteria of talent identification based on the related literature review.

Organizational executives, human resource management officers, and related officers can apply this knowledge to benefit the development of talent management and human resource management to achieve the goals of the organization and increase the performance of the organization in the 21st century.

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How to Cite
Tepayakul, R. (2023). TALENT IDENTIFICATION OF ORGANIZATION IN THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY. JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES SONGKHLA RAJABHAT UNIVERSITY, 5(2), 189–207. Retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/husoskru/article/view/270562
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