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Political marketing communication has evolved from traditional marketing by applying the 4Ps principles. In political marketing, these principles are used for campaigning and public relations to garner votes during elections. Once elected, politicians continue to employ political marketing communication strategies to maintain political stability while fulfilling their organizational responsibilities. This involves fostering cooperation, trust, belief, and garnering support, as well as maintaining their political popularity.
Local leaders must prioritize communication that reaches the public or stakeholders accurately, promptly, and consistently. This academic article emphasizes the importance of applying political marketing communication to local leaderships communication practices. The following key points are summarized: 1) The image of organizational leaders and local policies is akin to products that must be selected, created, and improved to meet the needs of the local population, 2) The political marketing communication style of local leaders involves presenting various informative content through the organizations communication channels. This is done to disseminate information to the public, tailored to the diverse characteristics of different demographic groups. The goal is to ensure that information reaches the public through various content formats and channels according to the context of each region, and 3) The political marketing communication practices of local leaders are internal processes that are used within the organization. These practices can be applied to develop and enhance the political marketing communication of local leaders in three key areas:
1) Strategy related to image,
2) Strategy related to information and communication channels,
3) Strategy related to evaluation and participation.
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