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In the New Normal era, learners have been more adapted in online learning. The TikTok application is one of the applications that is getting a lot of interest at the moment. Apart from being a modern platform, convenient to use, and easy to access in a limited time of today's society, most people use this application for entertainment, making income, education, keeping track of news, adding friends or finding a partner, creating a profile, etc.
In terms of education, this application provides more interesting learning approach than those of typical online learning. Especially, people interested in the Chinese language are able to choose education services, acquire knowledge in a variety of ways such as pronunciation of Chinese Phonetic Alphabet, vocabulary, phrases, sentences, translations, grammar principles, Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK), Chinese alphabet memorization techniques, Chinese quotes, idioms and proverbs, discussion on various topics, Chinese art and culture, Chinese singing, Chinese dancing, Chinese series, etc. Leaners are able to learn that knowledge via TikTok without any costs just follow the person who provides Chinese knowledge in that form. If it is a teaching format that takes a long time to lecture on some contents, educators will broadcast live at convenient times in order to give learners the opportunity to get to know each other better and be able to immediately exchange or ask questions during that time. Moreover, it can also be shared with friends to join in listening to the live lecture which can be considered as increasing the number of followers as well.
The author realizes the importance of using TikTok application in order to create learning motivation, build up new knowledge and be able to apply it in teaching and learning Chinese language which makes the teaching atmosphere fun, interesting and encourages students’ good attitude. it is also another way to build relationships with Chinese people or Chinese language teachers, both domestic and foreign countries (China, Taiwan), which increases the opportunity of using Chinese to communicate in order to upgrade Chinese language skills, share knowledge, understand the differences between Thai and Chinese cultures.
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