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The objectives of this research were (1) to study the meaning of positive communication in the work of operational employees in industry, (2) to create and design a course to develop positive communication in the work of operational employees in industry, and (3) to compare positive communication in the work of operational employees in industry. Before and after joining the positive communication development course at work. The sample group was operational employees in industry. The research tools were structured in-depth interviews and positive communication development course for employees. The content consistency value of the course was of not less than 0.5. The reliability of the questionnaire was of .954. Statistics used for data analysis were mean, standard deviation, and Wilcoxon Signed-Ranks Test.
Results of the research using qualitative data analysis techniques with content analysis showed that (1) Positive communication in work means the way in which the sender uses words or a creative message to the receiver to create understanding form a good relationship reduce conflict and help motivate cooperation in order to achieve the goals set together, The positive communication in work consists of 4 elements attention to the interlocutor, using effective body language, creative use of language for communication partners, and the use of horizontal communication. (2) The course for developing positive communication in the work of operational employees in industry consists of 9 times of training with 16 activities. (3) Operational employees in industry who participated in positive communication development course at work had higher post-join scores than before, statistically significant at the .01 level.
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