The Development of Mental Immune Indicators to Enhance New Normal Life Skills According to Buddhist Psychology for Youth in Thai Society


  • Putthachart Pansomboon Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Suwatsan Ragkhanto Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Kosol Juangsatiansup Society and Health Foundation, Ministry of Public Health
  • Chan Nakorn Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Buddhist Psychology, Resilience, Youth, New Nomal Life Skills


           This research has three objectives: 1. to study the concept and theory of mental immunity to enhance new life skills according to Buddhist psychology for youth in Thai society; 2. To develop indicators of mental immunity to enhance life skills in the new normal according to Buddhist psychology for youth in Thai society; 3. To check the consistency of the model of indicators of mental immunity to enhance life skills in the new normal. According to Buddhist psychology for youth in Thai society with empirical data. Using Mixed Methods, divided into 3 phases, Phase 1 is qualitative research by studying relevant documents; Phase 2 is qualitative research by conducting in-depth interviews and collecting data from 17 key informants; Phase 3 is a quantitative research by collecting questionnaire data from a sample of 538 people. The tools used in the research include: In-depth interviews, mental immunity and life skills measures, qualitative data analysis using Triangulation and QDAT Knowledge (6'C: Quality Data Analysis Technic), quantitative data analysis using descriptive statistics. and checking the validity of the causal relationship model using the Lisrel program.

             The research results found that; 1. There are 5 characteristics of youth with life skills: thinking skills, emotional management skills, relationship building and communication skills, problem solving skills, and being aware of and appreciating the value of oneself and others. 2. The model developed is a causal relationship model for the development of mental immunity indicators to enhance new life skills according to Buddhist psychology for youth in Thai society. There are elements that are important factors and have cause-and-effect relationships that will lead to new life skills according to Buddhist psychology for youth in Thai society, consisting of 1) characteristics of youth who have mental immunity, 2) internal factors, and 3) The factors of the causal relationship model for the development of mental immunity indicators to enhance new life skills according to Buddhist psychology for youth in Thai society are consistent with empirical data (Chi-square = 104.06, df = 84, p = .068, GFI = .978, AGFI =.959, RMR =.2783) which means 88.00% of the variance in having new life skills according to Buddhist psychology for youth in Thai society, internal factors obtained 50.00%, indicating that the characteristics of teenagers who have mental immunity and internal factors can promote the development of new life skills according to Buddhist psychology for youth in Thai society.


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How to Cite

Pansomboon, P., Ragkhanto, S., Juangsatiansup , K., & Nakorn, C. (2024). The Development of Mental Immune Indicators to Enhance New Normal Life Skills According to Buddhist Psychology for Youth in Thai Society. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 10(1), 43–55. Retrieved from