Materialism: Figurative Truth Between Real Value and Unreal Value


  • Kris Kaewsanun Independent Academic. Address: 94 Yarang R, Jabangtikor Subdistrict, Mueang District, Pattani Province


Materialism, Real Value, Unreal Value, Figurative Truth


             Materialism is a philosophical perspective that examines the complex relationships between visible and tangible objects and abstract meaning of objects within the social structure of human existence. This connection is rooted in the idea of physical or material world as a reality that has a shape, can be seen, and can be touched while acts as a bridge connect to abstract features that have value. This creates a desire to possess an object and use it to express as symbolic to present meaning that follow by society’s define including its price. In an era where people in society are obsessed with add on the price of objects more than their real usefulness and build up abstract value in order to convince people’s need and crave until they have to struggle to find and compete for objects’ possession by encroaching and cause conflict. The idea of understanding real value and unreal value of objects is important and can lead to in searching for answers their real natural value for possession of objects as appropriate and necessary. It should not struggle to acquire objects according to social trends that often have hidden objectives or having a goal of possession beyond the original usefulness. The method of thinking on real value or unreal value is a way to see essence, importance, and necessity of seeking to obtain objects based on rational consideration. Seeing the true benefit or value of the object that one desires or see value as real necessary will affect a person's appropriate consumption behavior, balance his own values, understand social trends, helps guidance on social direction.


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How to Cite

Kaewsanun, K. (2024). Materialism: Figurative Truth Between Real Value and Unreal Value. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 10(1), 357–369. Retrieved from