Life to Successes with Positive Thinking


  • Phra Athikan Tevin Devanano (jaikaew) Watsilom Han Kaeo Subdistrict Hang Dong District, Chiang Mai
  • Thanasak Pontappasarn Thai Oil Company Limited


Life, Success, Positive Thinking


             Positive thinking is an indicator of good physical and mental health. It is a mental process that involves perceiving and interpreting things in a positive way. Thinking only about good things to increase the value of life according to Buddhist principles is thinking that is accompanied by wisdom. Positive thinking is an important human skill that can help improve the efficiency of living and create a better life. It involves accepting the problems that arise in life as they are, seeing every problem as an opportunity for self-development, knowing how to distinguish between thoughts, knowing how to consider the benefits and drawbacks of thoughts, and knowing how to use them as a guide to learning new things that are beneficial to life, including seeing crises as opportunities for success. Creating success in life with a positive mind means finding a positive perspective, having good thoughts that give you the motivation to live your life, having less suffering, being happier, having the motivation to fight life, and being able to live happily in society. This requires individuals to make an effort to keep their minds thinking positively at all times, to have good concentration and determination, and to have the power of wisdom to deal with life's problems and obstacles. Positive thinking according to Buddhist psychology is a process of thoughtful reflection or "Yonisomanasikāra" thinking that is based on the five precepts: faith, diligence, mindfulness, concentration, and wisdom. This will help to understand the causes of problems and achieve quality life goals and live happily ever after.


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How to Cite

Devanano (jaikaew), P. A. T. ., & Pontappasarn, T. (2024). Life to Successes with Positive Thinking. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 10(1), 417–433. Retrieved from