Personality Psychology for the Leader


  • Anuphap Phanchamnan Lecturer and founder of the Happy Training Institute


Development, Personality, Leadership, Self-awareness, Understanding Others


             Personality is important in making a good first impression. Personal attributes that make a person unique, encompassing both their physical presence and inner being. External appearance refers to the visible aspects of a person, such as their physical features and mannerisms. Internal attributes comprise natural dispositions like intellectual capacity, inherent skills, and emotional tendencies. These intrinsic qualities are unaffected by societal norms and cultural upbringing. A leader's personality plays a significant role in establishing their credibility. Therefore, this matter is of paramount importance as it bolsters the confidence of leaders with admirable personalities and enhances the faith of their followers. This is considered highly crucial in establishing positive interactions with followers. The influence of leaders with exemplary personalities extends beyond their leadership roles, shaping the personal growth and character development of their followers. Fostering a culture of positive personalities among employees throughout the organization contributes substantially to the company's brand image and public perception. Additionally, this contributes to shaping the overall mindset and outlook of those within the organization. A positive organizational image fosters a sense of pride among employees, leading to increased dedication and motivation in their work. Ultimately, this translates into improved organizational performance and overall success. Therefore, it is clear that a leader's exemplary qualities serve as a crucial foundation, contributing to positive outcomes for both the team and the organization, and significantly impacting the prevailing circumstances and atmosphere within the company. The well-being of both executives and employees within the organization is rooted in the development of admirable leadership traits, which ultimately pave the way for the successful execution of diverse responsibilities.


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How to Cite

Phanchamnan , A. . (2024). Personality Psychology for the Leader. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 10(1), 385–400. Retrieved from