Holistic health according to Buddhist Psychology of Individuals in Network Business Organizations


  • Wilai Thawornsuwan Founder sapphire businessmen of Amway (Thailand) Ltd.
  • Methawee Udomtanmanuphap Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Holistic Health, Buddhist Psychology, Network Business Organization


             The article that wants to discuss management of health, leadership, including the history of individuals in network business organizations for independent business people (independents), members (members) and customers (customers) from the currents of world change economic, social and environmental aspects Affects the lifestyle of personal well-being, both physical and mental, caused by stress. Anxiety Pressure regarding business and personal goals Family and corporate networks Leads to physical and mental disease. Management of holistic health using Buddhist psychology and positive psychology principles Integrated with network business concepts Develop your own potential to be mindful, intelligent, and manage problems with understanding. By applying the principles Promote the development of body, speech, and mind for quality management of the overall health of personal lifestyles. Build immunity in terms of physical, mental, social, intellectual, and emotional aspects. Become a model for creating holistic health according to Buddhist psychology for individuals in network business organizations. Expand to national society


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How to Cite

Thawornsuwan, W., & Udomtanmanuphap , M. (2024). Holistic health according to Buddhist Psychology of Individuals in Network Business Organizations. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 10(1), 337–355. Retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/human/article/view/274486