A Buddhist Subjective Model for Enhancing Volunteer Spirit of Networks of Community Mental Health Vaccines under a Crisis Situation


  • Kanokrat Sudlapa Ph.D. Buddhist Psychology, Department of Psychology, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Buddhist Spirituality, Volunteer Spirit, Network, Mind Vaccination, Crisis Situation


             This research has the objectives: 1. To study the concepts and characteristics of the Buddhist spirituality model to promote volunteerism of the network to strengthen community spirits under crisis situations. 2. To synthesize the Buddhist spirituality model to promote volunteerism of the network. Network to strengthen community vaccinations under crisis situations 3. To present a model of Buddhist spirituality to promote volunteerism of the network to strengthen the vaccination of hearts in communities under crisis situations. It is a combined method research. Quantitative population research is a community network under the Wang Noi District Health Service Area. Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province Sample group: 244 people By using a questionnaire (Questionnaire) Qualitative research Use in-depth interviews with 17 key informants along with participant observation and focus groups to evaluate and certify the model. And a special expert discussion meeting (Connoisseurship) Analyze qualitative data using triangulation, Data Saturated and 6' C Technic Analysis techniques)

             The research results found that

  1. Model of Buddhist spirituality to promote volunteerism of the network to strengthen community spirits under crisis situations, consisting of 1) concepts and characteristics of motivation for volunteering, 2) good social environment, 3) public volunteerism. Kusala 4) 4 Brahmavihran principles and 4 Sanghavatthu 5) Hierarchy of human needs 6) 2 thought processes for adjusting thoughts and attitudes with the heart without wanting anything in return 7) Seeing value in oneself, in work, and in the community.
  2. Synthesizing the model of Buddhist spiritual work to promote volunteerism in the network to strengthen community spirits under crisis situations. Step 1: Integrating the principles of human need hierarchy psychology and two approaches to thought process psychology. with the 4 Brahmavihra principles and 4 Sagahavatthu to create 3 aspects of volunteer spirit: 1) the creative public mind that is charitable, 2) the positive mind, and 3) the aspect of good conscience and morality. Step 2: Develop activities to build Buddhist mental qualities under 4 modules, namely 1) 6 S qualities of Buddhist mentality, 2) network qualities of 6 with 3) 4 dimensions of life balance development, and 4) change intellectual thought processes. 5 adjustments and step 3: practice building Buddhist mental qualities.
  3. Model of Buddhist spirituality to promote volunteerism of the network to strengthen community spirits under crisis situations. It is a model of the 3-step process of developing Buddhist mental qualities using 4 activity modules for developing Buddhist spiritual qualities.


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How to Cite

Sudlapa, K. (2024). A Buddhist Subjective Model for Enhancing Volunteer Spirit of Networks of Community Mental Health Vaccines under a Crisis Situation. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 10(1), 21–41. Retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/human/article/view/270160