A Holistic Well-Being Development for Happiness Base on Buddhist Psychology


  • Jirachada Chiengkul Independent Academic, Human Resource Development, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Maytawee Udomdhamanupap Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Development,, Holistic Well-Being, Happiness, Buddhist psychology


             A holistic well-being of human beings is an important aspect of life. Health problems of Thai people are complicated because Thailand is a developing country. It is the period of transition to a developed country. Human beings are an extremely important and valuable resources. They have feeling and desire to be happy in life and also able to solve problems in the world. Human beings need to develop their holistic well-being to be happy in all aspects. It is necessary to develop a holistic well-being to be happy in every aspect that comprised physical health, mind health, intellectual or wisdom health and social well-being. Therefore, a holistic well-being development for happiness base on Buddhist Psychology for all stages of human life until the elderly, which is the last age of life. They should be continuously developed. Factors promote a happy holistic well-being which are a well-balanced development of holistic health in all aspects. To develop mind and wisdom by practicing mindfulness to see the true value of various factors. Buddhist Psychology can develop human beings to be holistic well-being. It is the use of both important Buddhist principles and the Four Brahmavihara integrated with western psychology or science that takes concern the hierarchy of human needs and human behaviors including important elements that contribute to a holistic well-being for happiness to create happiness in living a balanced life. Using Buddhist Psychology develop a holistic well-being therefore, not only psychological theories should be applied to human needs but also human beings should know themselves and be able to develop their potential to reach their feeling and mind that cause their happiness behavior. Human beings can apply it as a guideline for improving overall health and creating happiness in life for themselves and people around them, including the whole family life, working society and aging society. They be able to develop themselves to be happy base on Buddhist Psychology.


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How to Cite

Chiengkul, J., & Udomdhamanupap , M. (2024). A Holistic Well-Being Development for Happiness Base on Buddhist Psychology. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 10(1), 277–290. Retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/human/article/view/269239