Buddhist Psychology Leadership Competencies to Promote Happiness in the Work of Thai Engineers


  • Jirameth Khamsang Ph.D. Program in Buddhist Psychology, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Siriwat Srikhruedong Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Man Suesungnoen Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Competencies, Leadership, Buddhist Psychology, Happiness, Thai Engineers


            The aims of this research are 1. to study Buddhist leadership competency to promote happiness in working of Thai engineers. 2. To study Buddhist psychopathic leadership competency factors that influence happiness in working. And 3. to assess the knowledge of the Buddhist leadership competency model to promote happiness in the work of Thai engineers.  The dissertation is a mix research methodology. The samples were 17 of a structured interview form was used to collect qualitative data from key informants who specialize in Buddha dharma. Buddhist Psychological. And Thai Engineer Leader Competency. Questionnaire was used to promote happiness in the work of Thai engineers. Classified as an engineering leadership competency. Leadership competency according to Buddhist principles Psychological Leadership Competencies which has a confidence level of 0.960. Data were collected from a sample of 126 civil engineers. Qualitative data were analyzed by 6’C Technique & Triangulation Techniques by Multiple Linear Regression Analysis.

            The results of the research were as follows:

  1. A study of leadership competency in Buddhist psychology to promote happiness in the work of Thai engineers found that Promoting happiness in the work of civil engineers It is the introduction of the Buddha dharma curriculum. Namely 4 Brahma Vihara & 3 Papanika Dharma. Integrated with positive psychology principles. And Maslow’s Psychology of Motivation.  It is a guideline for developing tools to create happiness for Thai engineers.  And develop good characteristics of engineer leaders to become leaders with Buddhist competence. Namely benevolence. Positive thinking. Good vision.  Know the goal clearly.  Able to motivate.  Inspire.  Build faith. Lead oneself. Lead people. Lead work to achieve success goals. The resulting in happiness at work according to Buddhist principles covering 4 holistic happiness. Namely physical happiness. Social happiness. Mental happiness & intellectual happiness.
  2. The factor assessment results of Buddhist Psychological Leadership Competency influencing happiness at work of the Thai Engineer found that the Buddhist Psychological Leadership Competency of Engineer Leaders consisted of 3 competencies. Sorted from the highest to lowest average. Overall. It was found that the competencies with the highest average values ​​were 1) leadership competency based on Buddhist principles. 2) Leadership competency based on psychology principles. And 3) leadership competency based on engineering principles.
  3. Assessment of knowledge of the Buddhist Psychological Leadership Competency Model for promoting happiness in the work of Thai engineers was found by experts. With the principles of system evaluation based on standards (Evolution Standard) 4 aspects. Namely accuracy & comprehensiveness. Suitability Possible to use. Usefulness. Assessment results are accurate. Appropriate & possible to use. And useful at the most level in all aspects. It can be concluded that this model is effective and practical.


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How to Cite

Khamsang, J., Srikhruedong, S., & Suesungnoen, M. (2023). Buddhist Psychology Leadership Competencies to Promote Happiness in the Work of Thai Engineers. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 9(1), 251–264. Retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/human/article/view/268501