Building Happy Organization by Using the Four Brahma Viharas according to Buddhist Psychology


  • Supassara Jittham Human Resources Department, NMB-Minebea Thai Ltd., Phra Nakhon Sri Ayutthaya, Thailand


Workplace, Happiness, Brahmavihara 4, Buddhist Psychology


            In today's environment, the work pressure is more due to the high competition in the workplace. causing higher stress The feeling of generosity in sharing decreased and the joy of work disappeared. This article presents about creating happiness in the organization by using the Four Brahma Viharas according to the concept of Buddhist psychology. By having a heart that is kind to each other Pity, willing to help with work Always inspired and happy with enthusiasm for work Satisfaction with work and pride in the work done with the feeling of working with good colleagues and acknowledging that the work done is important, people see the value of the work done and are happy at work. By bringing Buddhadharma Brahmawihan 4 to use as a concept to create happiness in work. and integrated the guidelines for building an organization of 8 happiness as a guideline for working together and in the agenda of joint activities of the organization until it becomes a sustainable culture in the organization. To create a happy collaboration and to build morale in the work of people in the organization. This will also enhance work efficiency even further. resulting in successful work and workers being happy to continue working.


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How to Cite

Jittham, S. (2023). Building Happy Organization by Using the Four Brahma Viharas according to Buddhist Psychology. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 9(1), 443–451. Retrieved from