The Elements and Characteristics of the character's karma in the Novel in Phrengkam of Botan


  • Prapaporn Tanakittikasame Program in Interdisciplinary Studies, Pathumwan Institute of Technology


Elements, Karma, Charactr, Novel, Botan


           This research aimed to analyze the elements and characteristics of the character's karma in the Novel in Phrengkam of Botan. The analysis focused on the composition of Karma in novel characters. Data were collected from novel script using a research tool, namely the character personality record form. In order to analyze character personality data, which is the cause of the karma that appears in the novel. The research results were as follows. Causes of Karma had four types, 1) Personality of the character with primary and secondary drives, which had eight attributes: no support among family members, loss, adulation, capitulation, inferiority complex, snatch of love, beating, and sexual misconduct, 2) Personality of the character with obvious-hidden drives, which had two attributes: hold Firmly, not caring about the good or the bad 3) Personality of the character with specific-unclear drives, which had two attributes: asking for supporter and care about others 4) Personality of the character with internal-external drives, which had three attributes: misfortune, being forced, deception.  


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How to Cite

Tanakittikasame, P. (2023). The Elements and Characteristics of the character’s karma in the Novel in Phrengkam of Botan. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 9(1), 185–206. Retrieved from