The Use of Symbols for Love Scenes in a Local Thai Fantasy Novel


  • Karnpitcha Chuesa-art Candidate, Doctor of Philosophy Program in Thai, Faculty of Liberal Arts, University of Phayao
  • Warawat Sriyaphai School of Liberal Arts, University of Phayao
  • Warunya Yingyongsak School of Liberal Arts, University of Phayao
  • Parichart Pothi School of Liberal Arts, University of Phayao


Symbols, Love Scenes, Novel, Fantasy, Thai Local


           This research article provides the consequences of qualitative research which aims to study the use of symbols for love scenes in a local Thai fantasy novel. The data was collected from love scenes in the novel of fantasy called Sinehamonta of Lanna of Banthoon Lamsam. Furthermore, Somkiat Rakmanee’s conceptual framework of stylistic device “symbol” was applied as a tool for data analysis. The descriptive analysis, in addition, was used to analyze data and the results were finally summarized. The outcomes showed the symbols used in love scenes of the local Thai fantasy novel titled Sinehamonta of Lanna that the poet uses private or personal symbols to describe the scenes of sexual intercourse between males and females. There are, additionally, 5 types of symbols used in the novel, namely 1) recreational activities 2) plants 3) animals 4) tools, materials, weapons, and 5) nature.


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How to Cite

Chuesa-art, K., Sriyaphai, W., Yingyongsak, W., & Pothi, P. (2023). The Use of Symbols for Love Scenes in a Local Thai Fantasy Novel. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 9(1), 207–218. Retrieved from