Students' Recognition of Curriculum Contents in the Bachelor of Arts in Japanese Program, School of Liberal Arts, University of Phayao


  • Khomkrit Tachom ๊English Department, School of Liberal Arts, University of Phayao
  • Ittiphol Buayoi Japanese Department, School of Liberal Arts, University of Phayao
  • Phanphitchaya Panyafu Japanese Department, School of Liberal Arts, University of Phayao
  • Pirada Tonchaiyaphum Japanese Department, School of Liberal Arts, University of Phayao
  • Natthakorn Khampuan Japanese Department, School of Liberal Arts, University of Phayao
  • Napat Sanpote Japanese Department, School of Liberal Arts, University of Phayao


Recognition, Curriculums, Bachelor of Arts, Japanese Language, University of Phayao


The purpose of this study was to study the recognition of and the channels for obtaining curriculum information for students in the Bachelor of Arts Program in Japanese at the School of Liberal Arts, University of Phayao. The sample consisted of 30 first-year students in the Japanese Language Program of the Academic Year 2021 and 5 informants for the interview, obtained by purposive sampling. The research tools included questionnaires and interviews. The statistics used to analyze the data were frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The results indicated that the student’s overall recognition of the promotion of the Bachelor of Arts Program was at a high level (Mean = 3.80). The public relations channel that most affected Japanese language students' perception of information was Facebook, followed by the public relations of the school and departments (Mean = 4.07), then guidance teachers (Mean = 3.93). The public relations channel that had the least effect on the information perception of Japanese language major students was parents (Mean = 2.43). Facebook is the social media channel that has had the most effect on students' perception of news, accounting for 80 percent, followed by Twitter, accounting for 13.34 percent. In addition, the interview results indicated that students mainly received curriculum information through guidance teachers and the school's Facebook page.


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How to Cite

Tachom, K., Buayoi, I., Panyafu, P., Tonchaiyaphum, P., Khampuan, N., & Sanpote, N. (2022). Students’ Recognition of Curriculum Contents in the Bachelor of Arts in Japanese Program, School of Liberal Arts, University of Phayao. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 8(2), 253–266. Retrieved from