Types of Cultural words and Translation Strategies in Translating Cultural Terms in Abstracts Presented in Phayao Research 9th -11th times (2020-2022)


  • Pacharawan Kanyamee Master’s of Arts Program in English, Faculty of Liberal Arts, University of Phayao
  • Singkham Rakpa Arts Program in English, Faculty of Liberal Arts, University of Phayao


Cultural Terms, Translation Strategies, Phayao Research


           The research titled “Types of Cultural words and Translation Strategies in Translating Cultural Terms in Abstracts Presented in Phayao Research 9th-11th times (2020-2022)” is documentary research consisting of both qualitative and quantitative data aimed to study types of cultural words and translation strategies used in translating cultural terms in Phayao Research 9th-11th times (2020-2022). Main sources of the study were 24 abstracts chosen from Phayao Research 9th-11th times (2020-2022) and related to Thai culture only. The research tool was a record form of types of cultural words and translation strategies found in Phayao research 9th-11th times (2020-2022). The frequencies of each type of cultural words and translation strategy found in the abstracts were calculated and presented in percentage. 

             According to Newmark (1988), the research qualitative result showed that there were 4 cultural word types found in the abstracts namely 1) social organization customs, activities, procedures, and concepts 2) social culture 3) material culture and 4) ecology. The types of cultural words found in the abstract were  47 times in social organization (40.52 %), 38 times in social culture (32.76 %), 30 times in material culture (25.86 %), 1 time in ecology  (0.86 %).Regarding quantitative data found in translation strategies used in the abstract, there were  9 translation strategies used consisting of 53 times of couplet (45.69%), 24 times of transference (20.69%), 12 times of literal translation (10.34%), 9 times of neutralization (7.76%), 6 times of accepted standard translation (5.17%), 5 times of paraphrasing (4.31%), 5 times of cultural equivalent (4.31%), 1 time of label translation (0.86%), and 1 time of deletion (0.86%). 


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How to Cite

Kanyamee, P., & Rakpa, S. (2023). Types of Cultural words and Translation Strategies in Translating Cultural Terms in Abstracts Presented in Phayao Research 9th -11th times (2020-2022). Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 9(1), 169–184. Retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/human/article/view/264738