Transition and the Three Characteristics: Community Nurse’s Role


  • Natrada Heakham Community Nurse Practitioner, Faculty of Nursing Rambhai Barni Rajabhat


Transition, Three Characteristics, Preparation, Community Nurse, Role


The theory of Melis et al. (2000) is a theory of nursing. It is a middle-range theory, making researchers and clinical nurses able to access and apply to serve their clients. The theory discusses 6 types and patterns of transitions, 2) features of transition experiences, 3) facilitating and inhibiting conditions, 4) process indicators, 5) outcome indicators, and 6) nursing therapeutics. To accept of all transitions is essential to accepting and preparing all aspects of nursing patients facing transitions, such as preparing patients to accept transitions, preparing for all aspects such as family relationships, finances, careers, etc. Buddhism teaches Buddhists to accept the truth of life: all things change all the time. Accepting changes helps patients reduce mental sufferings and with this acceptance, patients can live with less sufferings.


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How to Cite

Heakham, N. (2022). Transition and the Three Characteristics: Community Nurse’s Role. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 8(2), 425–438. Retrieved from