Community Self-Organization Competency Case Study of Bangrawnok Moo 7 Mahasawat Subdistrict Bang Kruay District Nontaburi Province


  • Wuttichai Saybunjaung Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University under the Royal Patronage


Competency, Self-Organization, Community Empowerment


The purposes of this research article were to study: 1. social capital and community potential 2. community self-organization competency and 3. guidelines to become a community empowerment this study was done using a qualitative method through the rapid ethnographic community assessment process. Data were collected from an in-depth interview (15 key informants) and a small group discussion.

The results of this study showed that the important social capital and community potential included: individual capital, social group, and community capital, and social capital in the natural resources and environment. At this point, organizational and network social grants for community potential were: community leaders and community members, the BOWARN principle, volunteer spirit, creating learning for people in the community on a regular basis, and building relationships with people in the community. In the self-management of the community, there’s a self-management style by using traditional people to create familiarity with the people in the area and the village president in each community and to interact with the village members. In addition, it was planned by using data, namely the number of villages allocated in the area. Group committees and leaders have publicized group activities through the leaders’ line application. Coordinating through the juristic person of the housing estate to make appointments for people to join the forum to create learning and raise awareness of community problems. For the operational mechanisms, there was the development partners’ coordination; the establishment of a group (junk bank for life insurance), having a meeting to plan and make a project to propose to the agency. In creating people to manage themselves starting by meeting the new generation's leaders through the community forum and using methods to incite the new generation using the point through the problem of space (garbage) capacity development by using the former leaders as mentors to manage events and create engagement, using methods to pull in the same leaders and open a forum for opinions to create a new generation of leaders for fundraising and resources by using a conversational approach to human resources. Besides, resources which were the area in the temple was an important place to buy waste from members and also used community agreements by using waste fund regulations to create sustainability, strengthen, and help each other. Especially, the group's leaders shared their responsibilities to survey the situation and disseminate information on group activities by using volunteer spirit to drive the work going on.

Finally, the suggestions for the implementation of community promotion for self-management toward a community empowerment were; the potential and identity of the people in the community should be used as a tool for work, should analyze data on demand problems in order to develop into planning, share responsibility community leaders must not stop developing and use social media to coordinate, create continuous learning, and should use the power of the community according to the BOWARN principle as an important concept in development.


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How to Cite

Saybunjaung, W. (2022). Community Self-Organization Competency Case Study of Bangrawnok Moo 7 Mahasawat Subdistrict Bang Kruay District Nontaburi Province. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 8(2), 321–338. Retrieved from