Characteristics of Strategic Leadership Based on Buddhist Psychology in Network Business Organization


  • Wilai Thawornsuwan Master of Arts Programme in Buddhist Psychology Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Maytawee Udomtamanupab Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, MCU
  • Suwatsan Ragkhanto Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, MCU


Characteristics, Strategic Leadership, network business


The objectives of this research were to study the characteristics of strategic leadership according to Buddhist psychology in network business organizations. This study was a qualitative research study used tools for conducting studies and analyzing from concepts, theories, principles of Buddhism, documents and related research; and in-depth interviews with a structured interview form to validate language clarity and completeness, academic suitability through the advisors and then presented to five experts/person by presenting of Index of Item Objective Congruence (IOC) with research objectives. Every question had an IOC at the value between 0.8-1, which was considered an effective questionnaire for every question to collect the data from the population and sample Key Informants used purposive sampling consisted of 3 experts in Buddhism and Buddhist Psychology including 3 experts of Psychology and Buddhist Psychology and also including the 14 leaders in network Organization as in a total of 20 key informants/persons.

           The results of the research were as follows:

  1. Leaders in network business organizations can apply the Sangkhahawatthu 4 principles, consisting of Dãna, Piyavacã, Atthacariyã, and Samãnattatã and including Itthipãda 4 principles, namely Chanda (intention), Viriya (effort), Citta (consciousness), and Vimamsa (investigation), that as the key components of Dhamma for the characteristics of strategic leadership qualities used as the model strategy for man management and the management in a network business organization to be achieved successfully, the reward benefits according to the business plan are limitless and are able to meet the needs of life followed the Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, and leaders in network business organizations conducting business by adopting strategic concepts and behaviorism theory Motivation vision learning skills communication It is a joint strategy in creating model strategic leadership qualities to manage people in the organization to achieve goals.
  2. The characteristics of strategic leadership according to Buddhist psychology in network business organizations as the ready leadership qualities concerned: (2.1) Personality; be a person having both body and mind comply with Dharma principles leading to life and business. To be a role model for use as an important strategy in business operations. (2.2) Capability; be a moral, ethical, intellectual, and visionary person, manage the organization with the effective communication strategies. (2.3) Social skills: be a person in human relations, be a person having the ability to team up to participate in activities that promote the success of the system.


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How to Cite

Thawornsuwan, W., Udomtamanupab , M., & Ragkhanto, S. (2022). Characteristics of Strategic Leadership Based on Buddhist Psychology in Network Business Organization. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 8(2), 65–79. Retrieved from