The Potential Development Model of Engineering system contractors in The Construction Industry


  • Saksit Panyawaew Business Administration Program in Industrial Business and Human Resource Development, King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok
  • Chuleewan Choitwong Business Administration Program in Industrial Business and Human Resource Development, King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok
  • Preeda Attavinijtrakarn Business Administration Program in Industrial Business and Human Resource Development, King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok


Development Model, Potential, Engineering Contactor


The Purposes of this research were: 1) to study the potential components of Engineering system contractors in The Construction Industry, 2) to develop a potential development model of Engineering system contractors in The Construction Industry, and , and 3) to develop a potential development manual of Engineering system contractors in The Construction Industry. This study was integrated the method of qualitative and quantitative approaches. In-depth interview and focus group discussion were used as qualitative tools, while questionnaires were used as quantitative ones. The participants were of Group of executives, Project director, Project manager, Supervisor, Head of department, Project engineer and Ttechnician. The qualitative data were analyzed by using content analysis, and the quantitative data analysis was done by using statistic, frequency, mean, percentage, standard deviation, and factor analysis.

           The research found that there were 12 essentials in 3 essential dimensions. The first dimension was knowledge of engineering system contractors in the construction industry composed of 4 components which were 1) Professional Leadership, 2) Technology and Innovation 3) Analysis and Risk management, and 4) internal management systems and Law. The second dimension was Business administration skills of engineering system contractors in the construction industry composed of 4 components which were 1) Engineering skill, 2) Planning management and assignments, 3) Team management, and 4) Subordinate development. The third dimension was Business competition of engineering system contractors in the construction industry composed of 4 components which were 1) Standard and fast service system 2) Cost management and Decision making 3) Information and communication technology and 4) Availability of personnel and work quality. Based on the research findings, the results obtained were used to create the potential development manual of engineering system contractors in the construction industry. The manual of potential development of engineering system contractors in the construction industry was evaluated by experts as being suitable and able to be applied.


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How to Cite

Panyawaew, S., Choitwong , C. ., & Attavinijtrakarn, P. . (2022). The Potential Development Model of Engineering system contractors in The Construction Industry. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 8(1), 237–253. Retrieved from