Collocations in the Doctrine of Paticcasamuppada Book: A Linguistic Study


  • Nandamalasiri Nandamalasiri Master of Arts in Linguistic Program, Graduate School, Mahachulalornkornrajavidyala University
  • Veerakarn Kanokkamalabe Department of Foreign Language, Faculty of Humanities, Mahachulalornkornrajavidyala University
  • Narongchi Pintrymool Department of Foreign Language, Faculty of Humanities, Mahachulalornkornrajavidyala University


Collocations, Doctrine of Paticcasamuppada


           This research is a linguistic study of collocation in the book of ‘Paticcasamuppada’. The objectives of the study were 1) to explore the usage of the collocations of the keywords selected from book named ‘The Doctrine of Paticcasamuppada’, and 2) to identify the types of combination pertaining to the usage of collocations of the keywords selected from book named ‘The Doctrine of Paticcasamuppada’. The data was collected and analyzed by the application of the software AntConc 3.4.4w which was developed by L. Anthony. The tools were used to identify the collocation keywords through Microsoft Excel 2013 data base, Oxford Collocations Dictionary for students of English (2012), and Longman Collocations Dictionary and Thesaurus (2013).

           The results were from the study through a documentary and qualitative method to investigate a list of keywords which are most frequently used in the Doctrine of Patccasamupada. From the selected top 54 most frequent keywords, the collocations to each keyword were identified. Only the usage of English collocations that met specified criteria were selected and categorized into the 17 types of combinations pertaining to the usage of English collocations: 1) The keywords’ view had the most frequent usage of English collocations of the keywords with the total frequency of 75 occurrences or 11.87%.  Among the frequency of 75 occurrences from the keyword view, the English collocations were as follows: (1)  wrong view with the frequency of 38 or 55.66%, (2) right view with 10 or 13.33%, (3) view advocates with 1 or 1.33%, (4) view arises with 2 or 2.66%, (5) view gained with 4 or 5.32%, (6) view is  with 3 or 3.99%,  (7) view to with 9.99 and (8) view has, (9) view from, (10) view of Anupassana, (11) view of ego, (12) view of issaranimana, (13) view of one, (14) view of Paticcasamupada, (15) view of Sacca, (16) view of Sakkaya, and (17) view of taking which all together consisted the same frequency of 1 or 1.33%. 2) The Adjective +Noun were the frequent type of combination relating to the usage of English collocations of the Keyword in the Doctrine of Paticcasamupada with the frequency of 274 or 43.37%. 


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How to Cite

Nandamalasiri, N., Kanokkamalabe, V., & Pintrymool, N. (2023). Collocations in the Doctrine of Paticcasamuppada Book: A Linguistic Study. วารสารจิตวิทยาพุทธศาสตร์ประยุกต์เพื่อสังคม, 9(1), 307–316. สืบค้น จาก