Implementation of the Consumer Protection Act in the Used Car Sales B.E. 2562 in Bangkok


  • Chotiwat Saritvetvorakul Faculty of Political Science, Bangkok Thonburi University
  • Tassanee Kakkhanapichonchat Faculty of Political Science, Bangkok Thonburi University
  • Kamolporn Kalyanamitra Faculty of Political Science, Bangkok Thonburi University
  • Satit Niyomyaht Faculty of Political Science, Bangkok Thonburi University


Consumer Protection Act Used Car Sales B.E 2562, Policy Implementation


The research objectives were: 1. to study the problems and obstacles on the implementation of the Consumer Protection Act in the Used Car Sales B.E. 2562 in Bangkok; and 2. to study the factors related to the implementation of the Consumer Protection Act in the Used Car Sales B.E. 2562 in Bangkok. This research was qualitative by in-depth interview with 20 key informants, which selected from those involved in government policy making, executives in government organizations, relevant government officials, private entrepreneurs and the general public. The tools used to collect data were interview forms.  Data analysis was used a descriptive summary. The results found that 1. the factors related to the implementation of the Consumer Protection Act in the Used Car Sales B.E. 2562  in Bangkok consisted of 6 aspects: 1) Content aspect,  2) Motivation aspect, 3) The participation of practitioners and service recipients, 4) Interagency communication; 5) Characteristics of the operating unit, 6) Support of the operating unit,  and 2. the problems and obstacles on the implementation of the Consumer Protection Act in the Used Car Sales B.E. 2562 was found that 1) People still lack knowledge and understanding of the Consumer Protection Act in the Used Car Sales B.E. 2562, 2) Entrepreneurs in the business of selling used cars still using loopholes in the law to avoid non-compliance, 3) Problems in coordination between agencies and agencies, agencies with entrepreneurs and agencies with the public and consumers, 4) Differences in opinions regarding the use and interpretation of the law, 5) Economic, social, political and cultural conditions at the moment were not conducive to law enforcement, 6) Dishonest worker no sense of justice, a person who practiced double standards, distorting the law for the benefit of certain groups; and 7) The content did not cover the offense, and the language of the law was not current hard to understand the meaning.


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How to Cite

Saritvetvorakul, C., Kakkhanapichonchat, T., Kalyanamitra, K., & Niyomyaht, S. (2022). Implementation of the Consumer Protection Act in the Used Car Sales B.E. 2562 in Bangkok. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 8(2), 117–133. Retrieved from