Buddhist Ways: Political Communication


  • Artit Choochai Mahamakut Buddhist University, Mahavajiralongkornrajavidyalaya Campus
  • Montree Rodkaew Mahamakut Buddhist University, Mahavajiralongkornrajavidyalaya Campus
  • Wirot Singsang Mahamakut Buddhist University, Mahavajiralongkornrajavidyalaya Campus
  • Thongkham Ketchan Mahamakut Buddhist University, Kalasin Buddhist College
  • Sa-ard Poonasorn Mahamakut Buddhist University, Kalasin Buddhist College


Buddhist Ways, Communication, Political


This article is aimed at studying about the significance of using the principles of Buddhist ways in every level of political communication such as in national politics level, in local, and for population in order to live together with harmony by using the principles of Buddhism as a tool for the communication. The communication has been a significant mechanic of politics from the past until the current time in which the communication has been a tool of authorities who have conveyed and expanded their thoughts of the political ideology from the ruler to population in order to persuade and convince them for their faith and devote to the rulers. Hence, the principles of the Buddhist ways can be adapted in the political communication during the present time for the effectiveness of the communication as well as to support the peacefulness in the society without any bias and to create moral and ethics in communication.


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How to Cite

Choochai, A., Rodkaew, M., Singsang, W., Ketchan, T., & Poonasorn, S.- ard. (2022). Buddhist Ways: Political Communication. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 8(2), 475–488. Retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/human/article/view/260090