Building a Relationship with Communities According to the Four Saṅgahavatthu Dhammas of Sub-district Quality Schools under Roi Et Primary Educational Service Area Office 3


  • Kongkai Heman Master of Education Program Buddhist Educational Administration Program, Faculty of Education, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University Khon Kaen Campus
  • Sombat Rattanakorn Master of Education Program Buddhist Educational Administration Program, Faculty of Education, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University Khon Kaen Campus
  • Surasak Chanpla Master of Education Program Buddhist Educational Administration Program, Faculty of Education, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University Khon Kaen Campus


โรงเรียนกับชุมชน, หลักสังคหวัตถุ 4, โรงเรียนคุณภาพประจำตำบล


         The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the relationship with the communities according to the Four Saṅgahavatthu Dhammas of the sub-district quality schools under the Roi Et Primary Educational Service Area Office 3; 2) to propose a guideline for building a relationship with communities according to the Four Saṅgahavatthu Dhammas of sub-district quality schools under the Roi Et Elementary Education Service Area Office 3. This study was carried out by means of mixed-method research. The sample group used in this study consisted of 268 people and five key informants. The instruments used were: questionnaires with a reliability value of 0.95 and a structured interview form. The statistics used in the quantitative data analysis were: Frequency, Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation. The qualitative data were interpreted by the content analysis.

          The research results were as follows:

  1. The overall relationship with the communities according to the Four Saṅgahavatthu Dhammas of the sub-district quality schools under the Roi Et Primary Educational Service Area Office 3 was statistically rated at the highest level. The highest mean value was seen in school public relations, followed by community service, strengthening relationships with communities and other agencies, receiving help and support from the communities, and participating in community activities.
  2. The guideline for building a relationship with communities according to the Four Saṅgahavatthu Dhammas of sub-district quality schools under the Roi Et Elementary Education Service Area Office 3 was that the schools should have a parent-student meeting, visit student homes and publicize and disseminate information about the schools through various channels regularly. Building services should be provided to organize community activities and facilitate visitors with politeness and friendliness without discrimination. School personnel should participate in community merit-making activities as appropriate without affecting teaching and learning management. Schools should allow the community to participate in various fields, and schools should coordinate to create a network with other agencies in the community to develop schools and communities along the way jointly.


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How to Cite

Heman, K., Rattanakorn , S., & Chanpla, S. (2022). Building a Relationship with Communities According to the Four Saṅgahavatthu Dhammas of Sub-district Quality Schools under Roi Et Primary Educational Service Area Office 3. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 8(1), 35–55. Retrieved from