A Study of Trends of Demand for Thai Program in Faculty of Humanities in Mahamakut Buddhist University of the Upper-Secondary School in Nakhon Pathom Province


  • Sanit Sinak Thai Program, Faculty of Humanities, Mahamakut Buddhist University
  • Saman Kaewruang Department of Thai Language, Faculty of Humanities, Kasetsart University


Demand, Thai Program, Faculty of Humanities, Students


         The purposes of this research entitled “A Study of Trends of Demand for Thai Program in Faculty of Humanities in Mahamakut Buddhist University of the Upper-Secondary School in Nakhon Pathom Province” are 1) to study of trends of demand for Thai Program, 4-year Bachelor Degree in Faculty of Humanities in Mahamakut Buddhist University of the upper-secondary school students 2) to reasons for admission in the program and 3) to study and develop the curriculum as their demands.

         The population consisted of 803 high school students in Nakhon Pathom Province. The background aspects were gender, age, educational level and GPA, the tools used were questionnaires and data were analyzed using statistics, average percentage and standard deviation.

         The results of the study revealed that

  1. High school students in Nakhon Pathom Province who khow that they have a bachelor’s degree program. There are the largest number with an average of 72.85%, followed by students who are not sure whether there is a program accounted for 19.30% and a small number is that students do not know that there is a course accounted for 7.84%.
  2. The highest number of students who were not interested in applying for admission were 67.49%, followed by students who were not sure accounted for 19.30% and the number of students interested in applying for admission was a small number, representing 13.20%.
  3. Reasons and interest in Thai language, Thai literature, Thai traditions and Thai culture were of moderate level, accounted for 2.60% with a standard deviation of 0.606 and when considering each item, it was found that Students are interested in Thai literature/Thai literature. Moderate interest accounted for 2.89% with a standard deviation of 0.803 and interested in Thai language/linguistics accounted for 2.84% with a standard deviation of 0.785.


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How to Cite

Sinak, S., & Kaewruang, S. (2022). A Study of Trends of Demand for Thai Program in Faculty of Humanities in Mahamakut Buddhist University of the Upper-Secondary School in Nakhon Pathom Province. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 8(1), 205–222. Retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/human/article/view/259588