The Roles of Buddhist Preachers in Promoting the Elderly Mental Health


  • Phrakhrusophonpariyattayanukit Arthit Songdee Wat Prayurawongsawat Worawihan, Thon Buri, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Suwatsan Ragkhanto Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities. Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Putthachat Phaensomboon Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, MCU


Role, Buddhist Preachers, Mental Health, Elderly


This article aims to present the concept about the role of Buddhist preachers to heal the elderly mental state affected by physical, mental, work, and family changes according to the principles of the Buddhist preaching in four methods. So as to gain peace and clarity in the Dharma principles in their way of life. Samatapana is to convince and motivate the elderly to have faith in the good deeds they have done and continue doing so. Samuttechana is to make the elderly keen and confident that they are able to stay alive like others. Sampahansana is to arouse the elderly cheerfulness with hope in the past, present and future. The preacher, in addition to serving as introducer and instructor as a spiritual leader, will render the elderly a true confidence to apply Dhamma principles for their own stable and healthy living. To be a great preacher, having good knowledge and good behavior is necessary., he should act as the proper preacher without expecting compensations, merely, to be useful for the elderly to apply the Buddhism teachings to direct their lives sustainably, change from suffering, stress, and anxiety to happiness, light and comfort by ways of keeping oneself happy and hopeful based on Buddhist principles, such as Brahmavihara IV (Four sublime states of mind), Sangahavatthu IV (Bases of sympathy; acts of doing favors; principles of service; virtues making for group integration and leadership) and Itthipada IV (Four bases of success), that support the elderly to be happy, having good thoughts and encouragement to live their lives with hope and happiness.


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How to Cite

Arthit Songdee, P., Ragkhanto, S., & Phaensomboon , P. (2022). The Roles of Buddhist Preachers in Promoting the Elderly Mental Health. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 8(2), 461–474. Retrieved from