Relationship Between the Performance of the Principle of Iddhipāda and Effectiveness Academic Administration of School Administrators under Secondary Educational Service Area Office Suratthani Chumphon


  • Sasipim Kongsuk Master of Education Program Buddhist Education Administration Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • PhrapaladKosit Kosito Master of Education Program Buddhist Education Administration Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Maliwan Yotharak Master of Education Program Buddhist Education Administration Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Four Iddhipāda, Academic Administration, School Administrators


         This research study aimed to focus these 3 main objectives 1) To study the performance of the principle of Four Iddhipāda in academic administration of school administrators. 2) To study effectiveness in academic administration of school administrators 3) To study relationship between the performance of the principle of Four Iddhipāda and effectiveness in academic administration of school administrators. This research is quantitative research which was collected data from the sample group including educational institute administrators and heads of educational administration groups under the Secondary Education Service Area Office, Surat Thani Chumphon. The data were provided by 2 persons from each school, a total of 114 persons. The research tool was a questionnaire. The statistics used in the research were percentage, mean, standard deviation. The correlation test was performed using the Pearson correlation.

         The research result showed that:

  1. The performance of the principle of Four Iddhipāda of the principle of Four Iddhipāda and effectiveness in academic administration of school administrators was overall showed at the highest level. When considering each aspect, it was found that Citta: thoughtfulness of work, showed mean at the highest level, while Chanda: an intention and satisfaction with the work, showed the lower mean and Vimamsa: reasoning and understanding of work, showed the lowest mean, respectively.
  2. The effectiveness in academic administration of school administrators was overall showed in the highest level. When considering each aspect, it was found that the program curriculum and curriculum administration showed mean at the highest level, while the evaluation of educational outcomes showed lower mean and teaching management had showed mean in the lowest level, respectively.
  3. The correlation coefficient between relationship between the performance of the principle of Four Iddhipāda and effectiveness in academic administration of school administrators, was overall showed a positive relation in a relatively high level of a statistical significance at the .01 level. The relationship between the performance of the principle of Four Iddhipāda and effectiveness in academic administration of school administrators was overall showed a positive relation at a rather high level at the statistical significance of 0.1 in all value.


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How to Cite

Kongsuk, S., Kosito, P., & Yotharak, M. (2022). Relationship Between the Performance of the Principle of Iddhipāda and Effectiveness Academic Administration of School Administrators under Secondary Educational Service Area Office Suratthani Chumphon. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 8(1), 19–33. Retrieved from