The Use of Thai Traditional Medicine Formulas with Buddhist Psychology to Treat the Coronavirus (COVID-19)


  • Thanasawan Yingyong Pho Riang Thai Traditional Medicine Clinic, Samut Sakhon Province
  • Suwatsan Ragkhanto Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, MCU


Treatment of Disease, Infected Person, Corona Virus (COVID-19), Thai Traditional Medicine Formula, Buddhist Psychology



         The situation of the corona virus (COVID-19) epidemic has affected the lives of everyone in the world. Even though the government has issued the measures strictly to stop the epidemic, but the mutation of COVID-19 is still expanding, causing the loss of many lives and natural resources. Thailand is fortunate to have alternative methods of treatment using traditional Thai medicine. In this case, only the use of medicinal formulas that were used for treatment were studied, namely Ya Khao (Wat Pho scriptures), Chantaleela antipyretic (ordinary Thai traditional medicine), Andrographis paniculata hurb, (herbs in primary health care) of Pho Reang, Thai Traditional Medicine Clinic, Samut Sakhon Province to treat the symptoms of infected patients. After treatment with Thai traditional medicine, it was found that most of the people who have been infected with the corona virus (COVID-19) have better symptoms and are healed by Thai traditional medicine. In addition, Buddhist principles help both medical personnel and patients in the treatment, that is the Four Noble Truths, namely the Suffering (Dukkha) giving them to be patient with the disease condition, to have the encouragement to fight and not lose to that problem, the origin of Suffering (Samudaya) adhere to the government's measures to prevent further outbreaks of germs, the end of Suffering (Nirodha) has been cured and has to regularly check his physical and mental health without negligence in his life in times of crisis, the path to the end of Suffering (Magga); Thai traditional medicine personnel have studied and researched the methods of treatment until successful and in addition to follow-up and evaluation until recovered and leading to be a normal life.


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How to Cite

Yingyong , T., & Ragkhanto, S. (2022). The Use of Thai Traditional Medicine Formulas with Buddhist Psychology to Treat the Coronavirus (COVID-19) . Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 8(1), 399–412. Retrieved from