Effects of Using Haiku Poems on Descriptive Paragraph Writing for EFL Learners


  • Monruedee Sarnjai English Program, University of Phayao


Haiku Poems, Descriptive, Paragraph Writing


This study aimed to investigate the effects of using haiku poems on descriptive paragraph writing for EFL Learners. Lesson plans using haiku poem and achievement test were implemented to measure the impact of haiku poems on descriptive paragraph writing. This study found that the EFL learners gained higher post-test mean scores after engaging in descriptive paragraph writing along with haiku poems strategies. The frequencies of the language features and analysis the number of mistakes made by the students in their descriptive paragraph writing ability achievement tests after learning were lower than the mistake before learning. The findings determined a positive influence of haiku composition on the development of the descriptive paragraph writing skills of the participants of the study.


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How to Cite

Sarnjai, M. (2021). Effects of Using Haiku Poems on Descriptive Paragraph Writing for EFL Learners. วารสารจิตวิทยาพุทธศาสตร์ประยุกต์เพื่อสังคม, 7(2), 271–287. สืบค้น จาก https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/human/article/view/257007