Upcoming Older with Strong-Minded Life in Buddhist Pathway


  • Narinchita Silprachawong Songporncharoen HINO Andaman Company Limited, Surat Thani
  • Siriwat Srikhruedong Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, MCU
  • Witchuda Thitichothirata Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, MCU


Aging, Power of Life, Buddhist pathway


         The major problem when entering aging is psychological problems.  Mental changes have a continuing effect linked by physical and social changes. Physical illness, forgetfulness and slower thinking affect to have a sense of loss in the ability to do daily activities and the feeling of no self-esteem. The lack of contact with friends or family separation causes a feeling of loneliness and feeling abandoned.  As a result, older people often have mood swings, anger and irritability leading to be the state of stress, anxiety and depression. They become mental health problems. This article therefore presents ideas and ways to prevent these problems when reaching aging and provide an understanding of the development and mental health of the elderly. Promoting life learning, awareness in self-worth and pride to create the power of the elderly in a quality way called "Active Aging", which has important elements including 1) being healthy, 2) participating, 3) having security guarantees.  Adopting a Buddhist approach to help strengthen the well-being of life that is valued in taking care of both physical and mental health in order to prepare for the elderly with good physical and mental health.  Using the 5 principles:  faith, grit (perserverance), mindfulness, concentration and wisdom.  This causes confidence in good fitness, commitment to improve the state of mind from working age. Practicing mindfulness and concentration to accumulate the will power enhances strong and intellectual for the perception of physical and emotional conditions.  Positive thinking skills created to adapt to changing situations lead to awareness, memories and good expression behavior. The older generations can live in the Buddhist pathway with value.


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How to Cite

Silprachawong, N., Srikhruedong , S., & Thitichothirata, W. (2022). Upcoming Older with Strong-Minded Life in Buddhist Pathway. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 8(1), 385–397. Retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/human/article/view/256826