Turning Suffering into Happiness with the Path of Buddhism


  • Trakoon Phumngam Phoomwanaram Meditation Center, Ratchaburi
  • Suwatsan Ragkhanto Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, MCU


Happiness, Suffering, Morality, Path of Buddhism


Basic happiness in life is the happiness that comes from having wealth, spending money, not being in debt, unpunished behavior, being worthy of honor and being accepted by society, etc. This is the happiness that can be easily sought. But if you require true happiness that is a complete happiness. It is the happiness that arises in the heart, it is a long-lasting happiness. It is the happiness that is independent of material happiness, that is, the happiness of virtue, goodness, and wisdom which is understanding through the nature of the world, understanding the principle of three Characteristics representing the normalcy of the world.

Understanding the Cause of Suffering, view through suffering as natural. It is something that arises from the human being who takes suffering on himself and understands the Dhamma principle that everything has happened, it has changed and it also is a normal breakdown. According to the principle of three Characteristics namely Anicca, Dukkha, and Anatta, which are arising and ending of causes and factors. It will make you see the suffering, understand it until you can let go of that suffering until finally being happy.


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How to Cite

Phumngam , T., & Ragkhanto, S. (2021). Turning Suffering into Happiness with the Path of Buddhism. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 7(2), 309–324. Retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/human/article/view/256225