The Study and Rehabilitation for the Little Guides Project to Support Tourism Location in Thonburi, Bangkok


  • Teerapak Chaichana Faculty of Humanities Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Phramaha Wichian Parichano International Program, Faculty of Humanities, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Thatchanan Issaradet Faculty of Social Sciences, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Little Guide, Tourism, Tourist Place in Thonburi Area


         The study has the objectives 1) to study the tourist location management in Thonburi Bangkok, 2) to analyze the management for support Zero-Dollar Tour, 3) to analyze the personnel abilities and present in tour area, 4) to develop the personnel management abilities to be little guide and 5) to submit the management model of little guide project to network tourism; nevertheless, the population consists namely monks, people living community and students studying in school of 9 monasteries for 7,792 people.. The tools used the questionnaire in-depth interview and focus group discussion and analyze the data through frequency, mean, percentage, standard deviation and typological analysis, constant comparison and also content analysis.

         The result of the study found:

         The people living in nine temples in Thonburi Bangkok has lacked the cooperation for making tourist network system to support the tourism; moreover, they only manage the working the ones monastery and no cooperate between the communities, temples and schools together with being low the personnel efficiency such as the foreign language communication. So, the researchers make the train including 1) little guide, 2) the account management, 3) the career and 4) the environment management. From the target group for 392 people found: the people living in community bring this to support the occupation for service the tourist in nine tourism temples area systematically, cleaning and cooperated management under “the network assembly of cultural tourist community of 9 temples in Krungthonburi Srimahasamuth” as the center of propulsion and also result the people about the sufficient economic until they can depend on themselves under the project named “visiting the new tourism of lands on cultural route in 9 temples Krungthonburi Srimahasamuth”.


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How to Cite

Chaichana, T., Parichano , P. W., & Issaradet, T. (2022). The Study and Rehabilitation for the Little Guides Project to Support Tourism Location in Thonburi, Bangkok. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 8(1), 103–122. Retrieved from