Experience of Emerging Wisdom (Paññā) in Professional Life of Expert Buddhist Counselors


  • Waragon Sornsurin Faculty of Psychology, Chulalongkorn University
  • Arunya Tuicomepee Faculty of Psychology, Chulalongkorn University


Wisdom (Paññā), Buddhist Counselor, Consulting


This study aims to examine 1. the experiences of expert Buddhist counselors while practicing ‘critical reflection’ (yonisomanasikāra) on distress related to work, resulting in wisdom (paññā) acquisition 2. factors associated
to experience of emerging wisdom (paññā) in expert Buddhist counselors.
An interpretative phenomenology methodology was performed to analyze data. There were six key informants, those having practiced Buddhist counseling psychology in work settings for five years or longer after graduation. Data were collected via in-depth semi-structured interview. Results revealed that experiences of professional Buddhist counseling psychologists consisted of two main themes. 1, Accumulating meritorious (Kusala) causes and conditions that lead to wisdom to alleviate distress. This was comprised of key conditions consisting of mindfulness (Sati), meditative consciousness (samādhi), and insight (ñāṇa) as well as key conditions consisting of mindfulness and clear comprehension (Sati Sampajañña) that facilitated the implementation of wisdom. 2. Returning to be harmonized with reality in the present moment. This was comprised of returning to the present moment with light-hearted mind and becoming more relaxed and mentally agile as a result of the lessons learned from alleviating distress. The results of this study contribute to the understanding about psychological processes in which the states of mind of Buddhists counselors are shifted and then acquire wisdom as well as to the development of such processes based on the principles of Buddhist counseling psychology.


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How to Cite

Sornsurin , W., & Tuicomepee, A. (2021). Experience of Emerging Wisdom (Paññā) in Professional Life of Expert Buddhist Counselors. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 7(2), 157–169. Retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/human/article/view/255777