The Effects of Learning Active Package According to Ariyasacca 4 Method on Ability for Discretion Thinking and Achievement of the 3rd Secondary Students


  • Phrasamuha Somlak Tikkhapañño Social Studies Teaching Programe, Faculty of Education, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Somchai Srinok Faculty of Education, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Niwes Wongsuwan Faculty of Education, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Apiwat Pimpuang Wat Chantrawat School, Krachan Subdistrict, U Thong District, Suphan Buri Province


Ariyasacca 4 Learning Method, Ability for Discretion Thinking, Achievement


         This research work which was a kind of Pre-Experimental Design Research was presented with 3 objectives as follows: 1)to compare the achievement of students. 2) to compare the ability of thinking with judgment. And 3.) To study the level of satisfaction of students in the 3rd level of Secondary school towards Ariyasacca 4 learning.The sampling group of 11 students used in this research work which was selected with specific selection methods is the students in the 3rd level of Primary School of Wat Chandrawat, Krachan Sub-district, U-thong District, Suphanburi Province.

         The results of the research are as follows:

         1) Students with the learning based on Ariyasacca have the posttest of learning achievement higher than the pretest with a statistical significance at 0.05 level. This is because the learning method based on Ariyasacca is the process for seeking knowledge on problem-solving and life skills development by following each step of the Ariyasacca as the guidelines. It is a learning management focusing on the students;

         2) The ability for critical thinking of students, it is found that the posttest score is higher than pretest with a statistical significance at 0.05 level. This is because students get to learn from the real situations arising in daily life as they get to study the situation, to identify the cause of the problems, to contemplate the information, to discuss the problems, to define the problems, to gather information from the scenario, and to contemplate the credibility of the information. All of which is the process for developing the ability to think critically; and

         3) Students have satisfaction towards the learning based on Ariyasacca at a high level with a statistical significance at 0.05 level. This is because students get to experience the real problem from practicing various skills on the topic of Buddha-paṇidhāna. This helps to motivate the curiosity of students and challenge their ability to solve problem (the stage of dukkha), to find out the cause of the problems (samudaya), to gather information in order to support the path one chooses to present to the group (nirodha), to make decision together and practice the best solution for problem-solving (magga).


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How to Cite

Tikkhapañño , P. S., Srinok, S. ., Wongsuwan, N., & Pimpuang, A. . (2022). The Effects of Learning Active Package According to Ariyasacca 4 Method on Ability for Discretion Thinking and Achievement of the 3rd Secondary Students. Journal of MCU Humanities Review, 8(1), 123–140. Retrieved from